Chapter Four

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      Jacqueline hovered behind the two boys at the end of a rowboat they had secured. They threaded across the water, and Will spoke up,

      "This is either madness, or brilliance." Jack didn't turn his head when he responded,

      "It's remarkable how those two traits often coincide." She snorted, earning a quick grin from Jack, who she could only barely see from behind Will's head. After that, Will grumbled, and she peered down to find his foot stuck in a trap.

      "Young William." She sighed. The boy was helpless. After another moment, the three were scaling up the Dauntless. When she reached the top, Jack offered his hand, which she accepted, and he helped pull her over the top. They snuck down the steps, and Jack shouted,

      "Everyone stay calm, we're taking over the ship!" She grinned, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Excitement always seemed to find her and Jack.

      "Aye, avast!" Will yelled, causing the men on the ship to cackle. She pressed her fingers on her forehead. Jack threw Will a wide-eyed look, and when Sparrow locked eyes with Jacqueline, the two shook their heads.

      "This ship cannot be crewed by two men, and a woman." A man with a white powder wig said, placing emphasis on woman, in which she growled.

      "If I weren't so concerned about this heist I would show you how much a woman can do." Her hand rested on the hilt of her sword. He only smirked. Jack stepped forward, and he raised his pistol to the man's face.

      "Lad. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?" She grinned, and they found themselves alone on the ship, the soldiers now on a rowboat yelling. Jacqueline stood next to Jack as he commanded Will to manage ropes. After a few, her and Jack lingered by the helm, Jack right in front of the wheel, her leaning against a pole. They remained silent, and Will rushed up the stairs towards them.

      "Here they come." She turned, and a smile grew on her face when she spotted the Interceptor approaching. In the next few moments, men crowded the Dauntless, and the three swung onto the Interceptor. Will cut the rope lines, and the Interceptor  sailed forth. She watched one man try to swing back over, but instead he landed in the water. She snickered, and an arm draped around her shoulders.

      "Thank you Commodore!" Jack yelled, and she grinned.

      "Without you this would have been a lot harder!" She continued for him, and they waved. She laid a hand on the wheel, and huffed. She missed her ship already.

      "Jacqueline. We need to have a conversation, you and I." His arm fell to his side, and she raised a brow.

      "Let's get it over with then." She pushed a strand of hair out of her face.

      "What I have been wanting to say is that I am sorry." She frowned, unsure of what he meant. Before she could ask, he went on, "I'm sorry about what happened between you and I." The recollection of their departure made her stiffen, before she once again resumed a casual stance and smiled.

      "Well, we were younger then. It's been years, Jack." Their eyes locked together. His chocolate orbs burned into her blue eyes, and she broke away to stare at the sea.

      "It has. We'll be needing to catch up. First, I want to ask where your ship is." She focused her look on the direction of Port Royal.

      "They know I'm gone. Julian has orders of what to do." He dipped his head, and the two fell silent.

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