Chapter Two

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      That night, Jacqueline scaled the prison wall, and climbed to the cell farthest to the left. When she peered into the small barred window, her heart skipped a beat. She recognized his stance right away, the way he held himself as he leaned against the bars.

      "Sparrow." She whispered, and he whipped his head around. Instantly he grinned, and gold teeth flashed. 

      "Jacqueline Everleigh. You're a beautiful sight to see." She gripped the bars as her feet dug into the wall, and she smirked.

      "I know. Jack, when are you to face the gallows?" There were voices from the right, yet Jack ignored them and shrugged.

      "Not sure. How did you find me?" She held in a sigh as her body began to tense, as her position was not very comfortable.

      "I saw your heroic save with that poor lass." Jack beamed, and she felt delighted with herself. She used to ache for that smile.

      "Ah, well. Just performing my civic duty." She snickered, readjusting her grasp on the bar.

      "Jack," she cleared her throat, a serious mood transpiring over her, "I don't know how to get you out of here. I'm trying, but I think one of your crazy plans would suffice?" She prayed he could form an idea, as he used to come up with mental plans to escape trouble. She scanned him as he remained silent, and she frowned. The helpless look in his eyes told her what she needed to know.

       "If you can't help, you can't. It's alright, love. I do however want to say—" Jack's statement cut off by the sounds of cannon fire. She snapped her head behind her. Sparrow rushed to the window and she moved her head out of the way so the two could see what caused the commotion.

      "Holy mother, it's the—"

      "Black Pearl." Jack finished her sentence, and she immediately chirped,

      "Well, I suppose we'll have to reassemble tomorrow." She released one of her hands as Jack responded,

      "Wait, Jacqueline. Wait!" She dropped down the wall and yelled back once,

      "Sorry Jack!" She bolted in the direction of the Pearl. On the beach, a swarm of pirates rushed forth, and she drew her sword from its hilt. Jacqueline crashed swords with a tall, dark skinned man who she recognized as Bo'sun.

      "Ah, Bo. Long time no see." She seethed as he thrust his sword towards her chest. She jumped back, and slashed her weapon at his throat. He analyzed her face before grinning wickedly. 

      "Jacqueline Everleigh. Still captain of that weak ship?" Rage consumed her as she pushed forward, swinging her sword at every kill spot. Her hair whipped around her face, creating a brown haze. Eventually she plunged her sword into her opponent's chest, and withdrew it, not expecting Bo'sun to collapse to the floor. Just as she figured, he continued to fight her unharmed, until she sensed another presence approaching her from behind. She grabbed one of the daggers that rested at her side and whirled around, aiming it at her new opponent's chest. The dagger found its target and she spun back to Bo'sun, then backed up so she could view both of her fighters. The unknown man pulled her dagger out of his body and grinned. She studied his features.

      "You're a new face." He had long blonde hair that flew around him as he lunged towards her, and Jacqueline found herself locked in battle with the two. A few more kills later, Bo'sun grinned, before he dashed away.

      "What's the matter? Tired of being killed by a woman?" She shouted, exhaustion lacing her breath. She inhaled deeply, the man in front of her still fighting hard. I'm not going to last much longer. She knew fatigue would soon overwhelm her, but she continued to slash at the man.

      "You're not worth the whole night, lass." A remark immediately formed, although the man didn't allow her the time to use it, as he ran away.

      "Two men ran away from me in one night. Hmph." She muttered, sheathing her sword, then her dagger. Her arm throbbed, and she glanced down at it, where a cut rested on her skin. She reached into her back pocket where she kept a bandanna for reasons like this one. Jacqueline wrapped it around the mark, and then grumbled,

      "I want rum." 

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