Chapter Eight

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      The moon hung above the sky, masked by grey clouds. Rain thundered down onto the ship, and Jacqueline handled the wheel. She glanced at her bare arm, her previous cut being healed.

      "Gibbs must be madder than a hatter right about now." She said to Jack, having to raise her voice slightly over the storm.

      "Why's that?" She lowered the tone of her voice. 

      "With what we're going in to, the storm is a bad omen. It's a sign things are going to end badly." She imitated Gibbs, which caused Jack to chuckle.

      "Are you ready, Lin? To face Barbossa for a fight you needn't have?" She sighed, yet not at the matter of the discussion, more so over the fact he'd called her by that name. Lin. She brushed it off for the moment.

      "Aye. I only fear the boy will interject and ruin this for you." He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around her waist.

      "He won't make it difficult for us." She focused on steering the ship, although she could feel Jack's hot breath on her neck. This won't end well, Jacqueline. Her mind warned her about Jack, about what was occurring between them.  She knew she couldn't go down that path again.  Its's just harmless flirting. 

      "Well, we should still be careful. He's in love with her, Jack." He nuzzled his head into the gap between her head and her shoulder. Harmless flirting. She pushed down any strong emotions she'd felt in that moment. 

      "I know, love. I know." She tilted her head so that it rested on Jack's, and the two stood like that, comforted by each other's mere presence.


       A tang of fear struck her core at the view that approached. At last, they had reached Isla de Muerta. Fog surrounded the caves, creating an even more ominous scenery.

      "Mr. Turner, Captain Everleigh, and myself will go." Jack announced as Jacqueline climbed into the longboat, tossing any fright she'd felt to the side. Will got in after her, and finally, Jack joined. He rowed the boat as she gazed ahead, only half-listening to the two men's conversation.

      "What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?" Will inquired.

      "Pirates' code. Any man who falls behind is left behind." She only hoped that the worst would not happen, and the code would not have to be put in place. Yet she couldn't help the gut feeling that filled her with concern.

      "No heroes amongst thieves." She snorted. You aren't too far from piracy yourself William. 

      "For having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one." She nodded in agreement, and decided to pitch in. "Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga..." Jack grinned at her. As they rowed into the cave, she noticed Will's stare in the water, where piles of gold lay. She hopped out of the boat and edged forward. Jack must have observed Will as well, because he said,

      "And you're obsessed with treasure." She gazed straight ahead as Will scoffed.

      "I am not obsessed with treasure!"

      "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." When she turned around, she could have sworn Jack was looking at her, but if he was, he immediately turned to stare at what was ahead. They advanced forward, and soon came up behind piles of treasure. She gaped at the scene displayed before her—the cursed crew of the Pearl all crowded around, as a man whom Jacqueline instantly recognized stood over a large chest.

      "Barbossa." She growled, her voice low. If she hadn't hated him before, she did now. Jack had told her the whole story of what happened, and it raged her. He clutched onto a woman who she could only assume was 'Ms. Swann', a knife pressed to her throat.

      "Elizabeth." Will whispered from next to her. He immediately lunged forward, Jacqueline luckily able to grab him as Jack hissed,

      "Not yet!" Will glared at the two and she released him.

      "If not now, when? When it benefits you?" Well...She kept quiet.

      "Mate, please. Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Just stay here, and please, don't do anything stupid." Jack grabbed her arm and led her further uphill. 

      "Not to be that person, but I did say so." She whispered as he let go of her.

      "Begun by blood..." She heard Barbossa in the background, and Jack flashed her a smirk before his eyes widened. She couldn't comprehend why, and in the next moment she blacked out.

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