Chapter Six

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Jack's POV 

      "It is a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet bouquet that is Tortuga. What do you think?" He glanced over his shoulder at Will and Jacqueline, who followed behind him.

      "It'll linger." Will eyed a man as he stumbled across the deck.

      "I'll tell you mate. If every town were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted." He expected Jacqueline to respond, yet silence filled the air. He was about to ask if she was alright when a woman clothed in fully red stormed up to him.

      "Scarlett!" He exclaimed, grinning. Immediately her hand connected with his face, and he spun around. The two in front of him smirked. 

      "Not sure I deserved that." When he once again turned, another woman, this one dressed in yellow, marched towards him.

      "Giselle." He announced her name, hoping she hadn't seen Scarlett. 

      "Who was she? And who is she?" Giselle glared at Jacqueline before slapping him. This time, when he whirled around, Jacqueline snickered, yet he noticed pain gleam in her eyes.

      "I may have deserved that." He muttered, and risked another look at Everleigh. She averted his stare, a smile lingering on her face. He frowned, as when she used to hide her eyes from him, it never meant anything good.

      "Where are we supposed to be going?" He mentally thanked Will for the distraction.

      "Just follow me." He turned around, away from Jacqueline, towards where he wanted to go.


      After he poured the water bucket, Gibbs jerked forwards.

      "Curse you for breathing, you slaw jacked idiot!" He raised his brows at the outburst. Gibbs blinked a few times. "Mother's love! Jack! You should know not to wake a man when he's sleepin'. It's bad luck." He just barely stopped himself for rolling his eyes. He'd forgotten just how superstitious Gibbs was.

      "Fortunately, I know how to counter that. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to his proposition." He watched Gibbs as the old man hesitated, most likely processing Jack's words. It didn't take long for Gibbs to grin.

      "Aye, that'll do it." Another wave of water splashed over the old man.

      "Blast, I'm already awake!" He faced Will, and his eyes widened as they shifted to Jacqueline.

      "That was for the smell." Gibbs didn't seem to care for Will's statement as he took another step closer to Jacqueline.

      "Captain Jacqueline Everleigh. I can't believe I'm meeting you!" She laughed at his words.

      "Nice to meet you, Mr. Gibbs. Jack has told me good things about you." The old man didn't try to hide his looks switching between Jack and Jacqueline.

      "Does this mean that you two are reunited? I've heard the stories of you two." He opened his mouth to speak, but Jacqueline interjected.       

      "Depends on the context of your words." Gibbs furrowed his brows.

      "Let's get those drinks." Jack decided to end this conversation before it got too difficult to explain. He went to drape his arm around Jacqueline as he usually did, yet she avoided him, making to walk next to Gibbs. 


Jacqueline POV

      As Jacqueline settled on a bench she reviewed her day. Once they docked, Jack immediately was slapped by two women, she met Mr. Gibbs who assumed her and Jack were 'back', and now they seated in a bar. Jack, Gibbs and her at a lounged at a table while Will leaned on a pole. Gibbs had said something, yet she didn't hear it, instead throwing back a glass of rum. She became delighted, as she'd missed the savory taste.

      "I'm going after the Black Pearl." Gibbs choked on his rum. Jack extended his speech, "I know where it is, and I'm going to take it." She glanced at Jack from her spot right next to him, and Gibbs responded,

      "Jack. It's a fool's errand. And Jacqueline. You should know better. You two know the tales of the Pearl." She opened her mouth to speak but didn't get the chance as Jack said,

      "That's why I know what Barbossa is up to. All I need is a crew." She finished her rum and reached behind her to snatch a bottle that nobody had claimed.

      "What I know of Captain Barbossa is that he wouldn't strike a deal with a fool." Gibbs pressed further, and Jack countered, 

      "Good thing I'm not a fool then, aye?" She bit her tongue.

      "Prove me wrong. What makes you think Barbossa would give his ship to you?" Gibbs looked Jack dead in the eye. 

      "Let's just say it's some matter of leverage." Gibbs seemed clueless, and Jack tilted his head towards William. When Gibbs still didn't understand, Jacqueline sighed.

      "Gibbs." He gazed at her, and she mouthed, the kid. The two glanced at Will, who was being pressed up against by a highly intoxicated woman.

      "Him?" Jack nodded.

      "That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner." Gibbs's eyes widened. "His only child. Savvy?" Gibbs turned back to Will, a grin on his face.

      "Is he now?" He met Jacqueline's eye and said, "I think I feel a change in the winds. I'll find ye a crew." She smiled, and while the two finished their conversation, a man bumped into her. She expected him to leave, but instead he remained hovering over her. She stood and analyzed him. He was nothing more than a drunk, his eyes twinkling with brazen amusement.

      "Hello there, darling." She debated with herself what to do. She didn't want to cause a scene, yet she wanted to make it clear not to mess with her. Jacqueline flinched when a hand settled on her shoulder.

      "Back off, mate." Jack warned, and the man glared at him before walking off, mumbling to himself. She turned her head.

      "I was handling it." He grinned down at her.

      "Yes, but I handled it for you. More rum?" She didn't dare press further as a cup of rum was presented before her, and she quickly accepted it.

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