Chapter Twelve

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      "We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties yo ho!" The three jumped around the fire, singing at the top of their lungs. "Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!"

      "I love this song!" Jack exclaimed as he linked arms with Jacqueline. The two swung around each other, before toppling to the sand.

      "When I get the Pearl back, I'll teach it to the whole crew, and we'll sing it all the time!" 

      "And we'll be the most fearsome pirates in all of the Spanish main." Jack wrapped an arm around her.

      "Not just the Spanish main, love. The entire ocean." She laughed. She may have been drunk, but still she found herself a nonbeliever of Jack's words.

      "Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is. It's not just a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs. But what a ship is, what the Black Pearl really is, is freedom." She smiled at that. 

      "Just like when we were in Spain." He pointed at her as if he agreed. Elizabeth laid near them, and she spoke for the first time.

      "Jack, it must be pretty terrible for you to be trapped on this island." Jacqueline raised her brows. What was Elizabeth playing at? Jack paid the blonde no attention, as he stared down at Everleigh and responded,

      "Well, yes. But the company is much better than last time." He hugged her tight, and she rested her head on Jack's chest. Elizabeth raised her glass.

      "To freedom."

      "To the Black Pearl."

      "To the Crimson Vengeance." The three clinked their bottles together. As Jacqueline emptied her drink, she found herself growing weary. She relaxed into Jack and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to overpower her.


      A strong scent woke her from her slumber, and as she breathed in, she realized exactly what she smelled. She lifted her head, which had still been on top of Jack's chest, to find the source.

      "No! No!" She scrambled up and shrieked. She heard Jack waking up from behind her, and soon he began to scream as well. The two ran towards a giant pile of boxes, fire spreading amongst them, where Elizabeth threw more boxes in.

      "No! No good! What are you doing?" Jack yelled, and Elizabeth sauntered over to them.

      "You burned all the food, the shade, the rum!" He rambled on as Jacqueline gaped at the fire. All their supplies, gone to the flames.

      "Yes, the rum is gone."

      "Why is the rum gone?" Jack shouted angrily, and Jacqueline moved to stand next to him. 

      "One, because it is a vile drink that turns the most respectable of men into complete scoundrels and two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me, do you think there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it." Jacqueline scoffed.

      "I think you underestimate the size of the ocean." Jack only stared at Elizabeth wide-eyed.

      "But why is the rum gone?" He whined. Elizabeth turned to face the ocean and slumped to the ground.

      "Just wait Captain Sparrow, Captain Everleigh. You give it one hour, maybe two and you will see white sails on that horizon." Almost instantly, Jack fumbled to grab his pistol. He pointed it at Elizabeth, and Jacqueline reached out and grabbed his arm. It's not for her. She mouthed, and he lowered it, storming off after that. Her dagger felt heavy against her waist, but she pushed away the urge and ran after Jack.


      "Oh Jack, it must be terrible for you to be stuck on this island." Jack mimicked Elizabeth in a high-pitched voice. "Well it bloody is now!" He shouted, and when he turned, his eyes widened. Jacqueline stood a few feet away, her arms crossed.

      "Oh. Sorry." Her arms fell to her side.

      "It's fine. I'm angry too." Jack peered over her, before asking,

      "Is she dead?" She chuckled. "No, Jack. She's very much alive." He frowned, and she walked closer. Jacqueline didn't speak a word as she closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around her, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

      "If we die, she's going first." She huffed, causing Jack to laugh. When she opened her eyes, she only felt worse.

      "Or maybe we should get it over with now!" She yelped as she retracted from Sparrow. He spun around, and they both gazed at the ship with white sails headed straight towards them.

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