Chapter Nine

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      Her eyes peeled open, and her vision blurred around her, so she blinked several times before realizing what had happened. Her head pounded, yet she did her best to ignore the pain.

      "Damn you, Turner." She murmured, before crawling over to an unconscious Jack. She shook him by the shoulders, yet his eyes remained closed.

      "Jack. Jack!" At last Jack's eyes fluttered open, and he jolted upwards, almost knocking Jacqueline all the way to the ground. She stood as well, and he gazed at her.

      "Curse that eunuch. Let's go." She nodded in agreement, but as the two turned to leave, they came face to face with crew members of the Pearl. She pivoted and began walking the other direction, Jack on her tail. More pirates appeared in front of them, and she cursed. They were trapped.

      "I thought you were dead!" A taller man with an eye patch said, and Jack looked down at himself.

      "Am I not?" He met her eye once more before muttering,

      "Parsley, parsnip, partner..." She rolled her eyes.

      "Parlay?" She offered, and he pointed at her.

      "Right. Parlay. Thanks, love." She shrugged, and a shorter pirate grunted.

      "Down to the depths with whatever mutton-head thought of parlay!" She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "That would be the French." The pirates separated the captains, dragging them forward. In the next moment she found herself in front of Captain Barbossa, right next to Jack.

      "How the blazes did you get off that island?"

      "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one important thing." Jack paused, presumably for dramatic effect. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." Right. Logical reasoning. 

      "Ye look familiar. Do I know ya?" She realized he was referring to her, and she straightened.

      "Unfortunately." Recognition flashed in Barbossa's eyes.

      "Ah. Jacqueline Everleigh. Haven't seen you since you left Jack." Few people in the crowd laughed, and she rolled her shoulders back.

      "If only that were the last time I saw you." He smiled wickedly.

       "Kill them both." She tilted her head to Jack, unsure of what he could say to help them, until it came to her. 

       "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?" She hid her smirk as Barbossa's head snapped up.

       "Hold your fire!" The crew grunted in disapproval. They had obviously wanted to kill the two, Jack in particular. 

      "You know whose blood we need?" She saw the knowing grin on Jack's face as he replied,

      "We know whose blood you need."


      "You expect to leave me standing on a beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away with my ship." She squeezed her eyes shut. Ever since they'd been brought to the captain's cabin, Jack and Barbossa had been going back and forth, and it seemed to be getting nowhere.

      "No," Jack stood, "I expect to leave you standing some beach with no name at all watching me sail away on my ship and then I'll shout the name back to you. Savvy?" Jacqueline opened both of her eyes as Barbossa replied,

       "But that still leaves the problem of me standing on some beach with not but a name and your word it's the one I need." How about I strand both of you on some island? She shook her head. Jack grabbed a green apple from a pile and threw one to her before grabbing one for himself.

      "See, me and Jacqueline are the only ones who haven't committed mutiny. Therefore, our word is the one we'll be trusting." Jack rested into a chair once more and placed his feet on the table. Jacqueline bit into her apple.

      "Although. If you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse same as you." Jack took a bite out of his apple, and she noticed Barbossa stare almost longingly at it.

      "Funny little world, innit?" She couldn't help herself, and the captain of the Pearl glared at her. 

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