Chapter Fifteen

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      Once they reached the Dauntless, Will and Elizabeth boarded, then Jack. Jacqueline went last, and when she came to the top, Jack helped her up.

      "Jack Sparrow and Jacqueline Everleigh. When we reach Port Royal you two will be facing the gallows for your crimes. But, because you cooperated, I won't send you to the brigs. You're free to roam the ship as you choose." She glared at Norrington.

      "How thoughtful." She growled. 

      "Am I the only one feeling déjà vu?" Her lips lifted upwards slightly at his voice. Jack appeared next to her by the rail, and she instantly forged conversation.

      "I'm sorry about the Pearl, Jack. I know that they followed the code, yet it doesn't feel right." Her own words sent her into a fit of shock. She'd never before questioned the code.

      "Funny. Never thought you'd be the one to wish that code gone."

      "Me either." She whispered, her voice so hushed she's unsure whether Jack heard her or not.

      "How long will it take for your crew to know?" She gulped. The topic at hand had been one she hoped to avoid.

      "If they don't hear about it, I'm sure Julian will give it a month at the most." Her heart saddened with every moment passing. The realization she'd never see her first mate, her crew, or her ship again struck her heart like daggers.

      "Julian will make a good captain. There's no doubt there." She nodded, finding herself at a loss for words.

      "Hey Jack?" At last, she willed words out of her mouth.

      "Yes love?" She twisted her body towards Jack. He turned his head to acknowledge her, and she spoke again.

      "Do you remember that time in Singapore when you lost your shirt and I told you one of the crew members lost it?" Jack's brow raised.

      "Yes." She inhaled deeply.

      "I threw it overboard because I could no longer stand the sight of it anymore." Jack's expression shifted from solemnity to surprise. 

      "How could you? I had to go shirtless for two days!" She would have thought him mad if it weren't for the chuckle that followed his words.

      "I'm sorry! I could have sworn you had another shirt. Plus, I really didn't mind the result. I just thought you should know."

      "Well, if we're sharing our secrets, do you remember in Portugal when you were forced to wear a dress because you were ordered to?" Her eyes narrowed.


      "Well, I paid that man to tell you that." She gasped.

      "What? I decked that poor lad in the face!" Jack bellowed deeply, and she smacked his arm.

      "Since you never wore a dress I wanted to see what you looked like in one. You looked ravishing, by the way." He winked, and she sighed. 

      "Those were the good days." Hundreds of days and memories flashed in her mind, particularly of when she sailed alongside Jack.

      "Aye. I'm glad I met you, Jacqueline Everleigh." His tone became serious, yet had a softness to it that melted her heart.

      "Same goes to you, Jack Sparrow. Come here." She brought Jack into an embrace. Because she wasn't large on hugging, it only lasted a few seconds before she pulled away. However, Jack's arm remained around her waist, and she allowed it to be there. The two faced the sea again, Jack hugging her to his side, Jacqueline resting her head against his chest. She closed her eyes, Jack's breathing calming her.

Elizabeth POV

      She lingered on the top deck, gazing longingly at the two pirates, who shared a laugh. She questioned how they seemed so lively, although their time was to be cut short. From the corner of her eye, she spotted James approach. He stood next to her in his refined manner.

      "Do they seem like two malevolent pirates to you, Commodore?" Her heart tightened as Jacqueline pulled Jack into a hug.

      "Appearances are not everything, Ms. Swann." The pirates detached themselves from each other, only to close into a side embrace.

      "No. But they convey meaning. Like how those two pirates are also people who care about each other deeply, yet there's not much they can do to act upon it as they're going to be executed." Without another word, Elizabeth stormed off, leaving Norrington alone.

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