Book Two

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      That was Captain of His Heart, and I hope that you enjoyed. I know this story hasn't been read by that many people, but I've already written half of the second book. I'm going to be publishing it maybe a few weeks from now. 

Here's a small sneak peak of the next one:

      She parted from the wheel to stand by the railing. Her eyes burned into the empty space next to her, space where a couple months ago Jack would have stood. She missed having him around, but she also enjoyed the time to herself. But now she had to go find Jack. That, she knew, would be difficult.

      "Captain. There's something you should see." She whipped her head around at her first mate's call. Jacqueline jogged across the deck to meet him.

      "What?" She inquired, and he simply pointed at an island ahead. She furrowed her brows, unsure as to what was special about the land. She pulled out her telescope and pointed it towards the island. When she peered into the hole, she gasped. There, stranded on the shore, laid the Black Pearl. 


Until then, thank you so much for taking your time to read this. I appreciate you all<3

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