Chapter Thirteen

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      "Please, we have to save Will!" Elizabeth scrambled after the commodore. Jacqueline merely huffed.

      "Your father is frantic with worry. Our mission was to save you, and now that we have done so, we shall return home. As for Mr. Turner, his fate is regrettable. So was his decision to engage in piracy." She scoffed silently, yet Norrington heard, as he threw her a glare.

      "Commodore, if you think about it...the Black Pearl, it's captain and crew, the last pirate threat in the Caribbean. How can you pass that up?" Her eyes shot back and forth between Jack and the commodore. 

      "By remembering I serve others, not only myself."

      "Commodore, I beg you. Please do this for me...for our wedding gift!" Jacqueline perked up slightly at Elizabeth. She almost became angry, as Will had been sacrificing everything for Elizabeth when she engaged herself to another man, before she thought about it. The girl must have been doing it for Will, which intrigued Jacqueline. Perhaps the blonde was braver than Everleigh thought. 

      "Elizabeth...are you accepting the commodore's proposal?" A man whom Jacqueline gathered to be Elizabeth's father spoke.

      "I am."

      "Wedding? I love weddings, drinks all around!" Jack exclaimed, and a smirk rose to her face. Norrington spun on his heel to face the two amused pirates.

       "Let me guess. 'Clap them in irons'?" Jacqueline asked, lifting her hands to the air.

      "Jack Sparrow, Jacqueline Everleigh. You two will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isle de Muerta. Then contemplate all possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave'. Do I make myself clear?" Her grin faded away as Jack responded,

      "Inescapably clear." Then the two were led to the helm as promised.


      Later that night, the two captains had received a moment alone, which they spent leaning across the railing.

      "Quite the adventure we've had." She shattered the silence between them.

      "Aye. Jacqueline," Jack wriggled his body towards her, and she did the same, them now facing each other. "I'm sorry."

      "What?" She blurted immediately. The shock she felt consumed her, and she pinched her arm to check if she had collapsed into a dream.

      "I should never have advocated you coming along. There have been unnecessary dangers you should not have had to affiliate yourself with. For that, I apologize." She crossed her arms at that, a new frustration working its way up.

      "Jack, no matter what you would have said, I would have come. That's my choice. I choose what I do. Me." 

      "I know, love. Trust me. I only hope that you can make it out of this okay." Her arms dropped to her sides, her irritation now diminished.

      "Jack..." Her hand flew forward, latching onto Jack's. His eyes traveled to their interlocked hands as she went on, "I'm going to do all that I can to keep both of us alive. Okay?" He nodded, and she opened her mouth to speak again, yet her opportunity was cut short.

      "Back to the helm, pirates." One of the guards snarled. The two exchanged a look of a hundred emotions, like those of understanding, determination, trust. They detached their hands and followed the man back to the helm, where they had to remain as silent as needed. 


      "I don't care for the situation. Any attempt to storm the caves could turn into an ambush." Norrington explained, mainly directing his speech to Jack and Jacqueline.

      "Not if you're the one doing the ambushing." She watched Jack, a smirk threatening to rise up to her face. "We go in and get Barbossa to send his men out in their little boats."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

      "Your mates return to the Dauntless and blast them with the cannons." She added to Jack's statement, which caused him to grin.

      "What do you have to lose?" She at last allowed herself to smirk. We're back to working so well together. 

       "Nothing I'd lament being rid of." She winked at Norrington, who brushed her off with a look of irritation.

      "Now, to be honest, there's a risk to those aboard the Dauntless, which includes the future Mrs. Commodore." Concern flickered in the commodore's eyes, and she held back a laugh. Smart move, Jack.


Sorry this chapter is slow. It's just a filler to get to the exciting part. So stay tuned, and thanks for being here <3

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