Chapter Three

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      The next morning Jacqueline headed to the prison in an attempt to keep her word about meeting Jack once more. When she arrived, she gaped at a hole to the cell next to Jack's. Unlucky bastard. She climbed to the hole and crawled through. 

      "All your friends leave you?" She remarked sarcastically as Jack peered at her. He looked her up and down, his eyes landing on the bandana wrapped around her arm.

      "What happened to you?" She shrugged, and hopped fully into the cell.

      "Engaged in battle with some of the cursed scallywags. Saw Bo'sun again." Jack picked at his nails.

      "Ah. How was that?" She huffed.

      "Irritating. The rats don't die." She gazed into Jack's eyes and met some type of understanding, and it clicked.

      "They came to see you?" He nodded.

      "Few of 'em." He didn't let on all that he knew, yet she didn't press any further. The recollection of the previous night reminded her of their conversation.

      "Jack?" The brim of his hat now covered his eyes, and he lifted it up to look at her.


      "Last night. You wanted to tell me something?" He licked his lips, then dipped his head. But before he could utter any words, footsteps sounded, and Jack threw her a concerned look. Go. He mouthed to her and she shook her head, curious as to what was about to happen. If Jack was off to the gallows, she wanted to be able to try and prevent it. He frowned at her, and she watched the staircase before a man appeared. Confusion boiled inside of her as she studied the man, as he was no guard. He had brown hair slicked back into a ponytail, and had dark brown eyes that reminded her of someone. Who is he? She ducked into the corner of her cell, unsure whether to make her presence clear.

      "You, Sparrow!" He rushed to Jack's cell, where Jack flipped his hat off and gazed at the man.


      "You know of that ship. The Black Pearl?" Jack rested his head back as he nonchalantly responded,

      "I've heard of it." She held back a laugh.

      "Where does it make berth?" The younger man asked, and she leaned forward slightly.

      "Where does it make berth? Have you not heard the stories?" He paused to look at the man outside the cell before continuing, "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta. It cannot be found except by those who already know where it is."

      "The ship's real enough. Therefore so is its anchorage so where is it?" She rolled her eyes at the boy's urgency. She wanted to cut in, but Jack quickly responded.

      "Why ask me?" She smirked, shifting slightly in her spot. Jack glanced at her for a split moment, but the boy didn't seem to notice.

      "Because you're a pirate." She pursed her lips.

      "And you want to become one yourself, is that it?" The boy banged on the bars.

      "Never." She tried to conceal her laughter but soon couldn't help herself as she chuckled. The man looked at her with shock. 

      "Sorry mates, couldn't help myself. It's only you sound very desperate, like you really do desire a life of piracy." She stepped up so that the boy could look at her, and she exchanged a glance with Jack, who appeared both amused and frustrated.

      "Who are you?" She stuck her hand out of her cell.

      "Captain Jacqueline Everleigh." He gazed between the two.

      "You're also a pirate. Do you know about the Black Pearl?" She sighed heavily, falling back to the corner. The two pirates remain silent, and after a moment the boy breaks their barrier of quiet.

      "They took Ms. Swann." She raised a brow, now concluding Jack and the boy have previously met. Jack perked up.

      "Oh, so it is that you've found a girl!" He exclaimed. "I see. Well if you intend to save and win said fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone." She raised a brow at Jack. She knew he was not able to risk his life for two strangers, but she also recognized that Jack wanted revenge. She may not have known him after what happened on the Pearl, but she would always know Jack.

      "I see no profit in it for me." She coughed slightly, and Jack only gave her a bored glance.

      "I can get you out of here." The boy was that desperate. Seeing as he somehow hated pirates, but he was willing to set one free. Jacqueline found herself studying the boy as he continued,

      "I helped build these cells. These are half-pin barrel hinges," He lifted a wooden table off the ground. "With the right leverage and proper strength, the door will lift free." She half-smiled. At least the boy wasn't an idiot.

      "What's your name?" Finally, Jack inquired what she'd been dying to know since this man opened his mouth.

      "Will Turner." Jacqueline masked her surprise. Bill's son, eh? Fascinating. She gazed into his eyes and nodded to herself. He was the spitting image of his father. Jack leaned closer to Will and said,

      "That would be short for William, I imagine. Good strong name. No doubt named for your father, aye?" Will stared down at Jack.

      "Yes." Sparrow tilted his head in her direction before he sprung up from the ground. "Well Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain from death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass. Do we have an accord?" Jack poked his hand through the cell, and the two boys shook, sealing their deal.

      "Agreed." After that, Will had Jack's cell broken, and he said,

      "Come on. Somebody must have heard that." Jack hesitated, and turned to Jacqueline.

      "Meet you by the docks?" She suggested, and Sparrow grinned.

      "Race you to the finish, love." The two boys ran off and she hopped out the hole and scurried off to Port Royal's docks.

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