For my Rose

203 11 1

Cyan: *Bursts through the door*


Joker: Oh boi

Akai: Are you gonna fight him again?

Cyan: What? No

Luna: I'm here, what do you want?

Cyan: I need to ask you a favor

Luna: I'm not going to fix your umbrella for the 5th time this week

Cyan: It's not that

Cyan: You see...

Cyan: Me and Rose's birthday is coming up and I need a gift to give her

Cyan: That's where you come in

Luna: What am I gonna do?

Cyan: *whispers into Luna's ear*

Luna *blushes*

Luna: W-what?!

Akai:  what is it?

Luna: That lunatic told me that he would put me in a box and give it to Rose!

Joker: Woah

Spade: Shadow, do you have a fever?

Queen: Or do you need a whack at the head?

Joker: That's basically kidnapping

Joker: Or an assault

Cyan: Hey! It's not kidnapping if Luna agrees with it!

Luna: *sighs*

Luna: How about you just give her an apple pie

Cyan: That's good enough

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