English boy

164 8 9

It was 2:50 pm and most of them were at the Sky Joker.

Joker: Get reckt!!

Cyan: I won't lose!!!

Akai: Well I won't either!!!

The three were playing videogames on their phones. They were attacking each other but Kimi pulled off a surprise attack and beat them.

Kimi: Aw yeah!!

Joker: Oh come on!

Cyan: that's cheating!

Joker: says the person who used cheat codes

Akai: Round two!!

Kimi: Bring it on!!

Twilight: *sweatdrops*

Spade: Your child's getting along with them pretty well

Hyakkimaru: Kimi kinda makes friends fast

Gabriel's alarm on her phone went off.

Gabriel: Gotta go be back soon

Suisei: Where are you going?

Gabriel: I'm gonna go pick someone up

Suisei: Like on a date?

Gabriel: Why would I date a 9 year old?

Suisei: Wait, a nine year old?

Gabriel: see ya later

She left on her hoverboard and came back 20 minutes later with a boy with blonde hair tied up in a little ponytail and blue eyes. He was wearing a coat that reached his knees above a polo and long shorts. His left hand was covered in a bandage.

Gabriel: Guys, meet Leo

Leo: Hello! I'm Leo Kagayake!


Gabriel: I know what you're thinking

Gabriel: He's not my son, he's like my little brother

Gabriel: I found him while on a heist

Gabriel: He just like using my last name sometimes

Suisei: so how are you going to take care of this kid?

Gabriel: It'll be fine don't worry

Joker: I'll introduce to you everyone here!

Joker: I'm Joker, the one and only Miracle Maker

Joker: That's Spade, the Peacock

Spade: Hey!

Joker: Queen is the Strawberry addicted pigtails

Queen: *shrugs and eats another Strawberry cake*

Joker: Cyan is the emo version of Mary Poppins

Cyan: WTF 

Joker: Rose is the cinnamon roll with buns on her head

Joker: Akai is the bird who won't take a darn shower

Akai: Yes I do, in lava


Joker: Twilight is the fairy

Joker: Hyakkimaru is the ninja

Joker: Hachi is the ninja, but smaller

Joker: Ai is the bandage idol

Joker: Gabriel is the crossdressing shota

Joker: and Suisei is the tall rock

Suisei: Excuse me

Suisei: I thought we talked about this

Joker: Did we? I forgot



Leo: *laughs* you have descriptions for everybody

Spade: It's kinda annoying

Leo: It sounds fun here

Twilight: You kind of have an accent

Leo: That's because I'm from London

Twilight: Makes sense

//Insert Suisei in the background telling Joker never to call her a rock again

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