chapter 4

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We continued to walk down the hallway ,Rantaro finally put me down. We walked into the cafeteria where everyone else is. Rantaro explained to me that I was the last one to wake up due to my death in game. And everyone did have some issues with there body's but.

Mine where a bit too obvious.

"Ha look at you fuckin virgin you look like a Boomer hahaha" Miu filled up the room with her pig like voice, which made everyone look at me. They all seem happy...... No that was a lie. The looked pissed off.

"Hey degenerate male are you the one that got Gonta and miu killed? Come on I want to hear it" I didn't answer to the akido masters question.

" The fuckin shota did Tenko. He got me and Gonta killed for the sake of it."

"Miu Gonta think that you should..."

I screamed getting everyones attention. Not like I did before. " Am sorry okay. Am fucking sorry. I did *sniff* I didn't mean to kill *sniff* you two okay. I panicked , I PANICKED, you where gonna kill me *sniff* a-and Gonta d-didn't .... Have"
My heart was beating that fast I felt really light headed.I felt my feet give way and all saw then was  darkness.

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