chapter 12

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"Kokichi..... Kokichi you alright?"

Who is that talking to me? A guardian angel? I opened my eyes and saw the most angelic angel that had ever set foot on the earth. My shumai.

"Hey shuichi. what are you doing here?" I asked him with a smirk. "What am I doing here, what are you doing here?" Shuichi reached down and pulled me out of what a presume is what the garbage shoot led too.

"Oh sweet Atua you need a bath"

"Well nice to see you too"

Time skip

We where back at the hospital place since we all aren't clear to go yet. And yes I was screened at by a hundred different people. But at least I get to have a free shower. I layed on my bed and looked out the window.

It was raining. Oh how I love pathetic fallacy very Moody, just like Maki hahaha.

I guess I can sleep for now.

What could go wrong.

"Kokichi Ouma. I word with you"

"Err who are you?" I asked the figure.

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