chapter 14

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You and who? Who is this makoto guy? Are they dating? Gasp what if that Junko girl liked the makoto guy? Naa doesn't seem right.

"Okay kid I will let you go back to your room where you should be any way. " The detective stod up and left me in the room. *Sigh* better see the others.

I walk back to my room and see Shuichi siting on the window edge. "Nishishi been waiting for me my beloved" I walked over to him and hugged him. Am glad I can finally spend time with shumai.

"Hey Kokichi you okay. Did that woman hurt you?" Of course Shuichi would start begin concerned about me. He loves me. "Am okay Shuichi she just went all detective on me am fine"

A few moments later

I finished talking to Shuichi as he went back to his room and left me to die of bordon. I guess I can sleep it off. And then I can harass everyone nishishi

let me be drv3 post game AU (Kokichi Multiple Ships)Where stories live. Discover now