chapter 5

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I woke up back in my bed but with an oxygen mask on. I took it of so I could let the air touch my mouth. "Oh your awake" I look to my side and saw Himiko, the ultimate mage, by my side.

"What a pain I was hoping you would wake up for the next person. I guess am going to explain what the doctor said" what the doctor said? "Nyeh they said that due to the strike 9 poison in the simulation. You lost pigments in your hair and that's why it white. You where born with two different eye colours so that not an issue. I too tied to tell you the rest." The little mage got up and slowly walked to the door.

"Oh another thing" she turned around and looked at me. Little bits of confetti came out if her hand.

"I hope you recover soon" she then proceeded to the door and left the room

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"I hope you recover soon" she then proceeded to the door and left the room.

Maby I could try to make friends with them again. Now that the killing game is over.

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