chapter 11

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I woke up after being knocked out by that girl. Who dose she think she is? "Oohhh Kichi aww you are so adorable all tied up" I heared a irritating high pitched voice, even more irritating them Miu her self.

"Aww what with that look all well" the voice that I presume is a girl sat on my legs. WTF

" I bet you feel really uncomfortable right now, oh don't worry I wouldn't go that far. My legs hurt you see I the only seat is taken up by you" she said in a sad tone.

"Oh I haven't introduce my self , my sister is the one who carryed you her she was mukuro I on the other had I am Junko."

"So your are the one who told me to come to you?" I asked her. She just laughed. She got of my legs and walked around me.

" The reason why you are her is to continue my little game Kichi" she rubed my shoulder giving me a massage. " I need you for the sake of bringing your friends to diespair"

"Why would I do that?" I asked her.

"Hhmm I guess I have no choice..... Your free to go" she picked me up. Took the blind fold off and put tossed me down a hatch, which I presume was a garbage shoot.

let me be drv3 post game AU (Kokichi Multiple Ships)Where stories live. Discover now