chapter 19

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A spy.

Why would of someone do this to us. After all we have been through. I knew this was too go to be true. Later on everyone else twiged on to that we have a spy in our group. And of couse they blame it on me.

"Why do you think it's me?" I said to all of them

"Well you where the one who lead Junko to us" Miu said pointing her finger at me. Soon everyone else joined in even the adults chiped in. Soon I was thrown out. Lituery

Soon I found myself walking an the rainy streets alone.just how I like it. Well how I did like it. I hate being alone now. I deserve it I guess I did cause chaos and the death of three people. Maby I don't deserve friends.

I carryed on walking and found a building I could get into. There was some biscuits/ cookies and luckily panta in the building. I just luck realy dose flow throw my name. I moved the sofer near the window and gased onto the chaos the world has came into.

I layed down on the sofer and closed my eyes. Thinking of where I could go next. Maby there a fair some where that I could get too. If there's a generator in one of the arcade's maby I could play some games there.... Na too boring.

"Hey who's there" I heared a voice call out. Crap didn't think any one lived here. I slowly sat up and put my arms in the air. "Am just a child okay!" I looked over to the person and he looked familiar. "Oh it's nice to see you again Kokichi"

It's the guy with the jacket and white hair from when I first woke up.

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