chapter 10

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I wake up and I look at the digital clock. It was 05:30 am wow I slept well didn't I. I wonder if that woman in my dream was right. I got out of the hospital bed and put my shoes on, I was going to walk out the door but someone might see me. I guess I'll go out the window am on the bottom floor so it's fine.

I opened the window and jumped out. I ran to the trees so no body could see me. I then spotted an abandoned school looking place. It looks familiar. I walk closer and see that all the windows where boilted up and couldn't be opened. The building pretty much was as high as a skyscraper it makes me feel so fuzzy inside.

"Do I know this place?" I asked my self.
"Yes you do" I heared a low woman's voice behind me. She wrapped around a blindfold to block my vision. She then picked me up and through me over her shoulder.

"My sister would like to meet you. She says that you are the key to bring back the people she worked so hard on."

"Your sister? Who do you think you are! I am the ultim-"

"Shut up already, my sister made you and your 'friends' become one with dispair, now makoto has undone that she plans on playing this 'tag game'" she placed me on a chair and strapped me to it.

"Your hair looks good white, and am sure you eyes make you feel special, if you don't listen"

She paused

"I won't hesitate to cut them both out and keep them in a jar just for my little sister"

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