chapter 15

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What? What's going on? I looked out the window and saw a giant Monokuma marching towards the building. Shit got to get out. As I ran to the stairs an explanation came from my room. Glad I didn't stay in there. I ran downs the stairs only to see a bunch of blood all over the walls and Monokuma's chasing people. What the fuck is happening!?

"Oi stupid kid don't just stand there get out" that filthy Rich Guy with glasses shouted at me. He had a megaphone in is hand and blasting the Monokuma's away. GTA much.

I continued to run down the stars where the Kirigiri girl was. She grabed my arm and took me to a hidden door that led to the underground system. Soon I met with Shuichi and the others. "Okay guys I need you all to reach  to the emergency Warehouse far from here" she then handed out some tourches and drinks.

Was walked through the secret corridors and then felt the whole place shaking. We started to run as the celling was collapsing. My lungs where burning I can run any more. " Kokichi look out" I heared Shuichi scream as a bunch of rocks started to fall on me.

But then someone pushed me out of the way separating me and the other. I looked up and saw the person who saved me was.

Little miss assassin.

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