chapter 7

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What time is it?

10pm wow how long have I been daydreaming? I better get some proper sleep.

I closed my eyes so I can begin to dreem. I wonder what today's dreem is?

"Hey Kokichi"

"Hi Kokichi"

Rantaro? Kaede? I walked over to them to great them. What I got in return was something that I would never think of happened. Kaede punched me in the stomach and kicked me into the ground. Rantaro and Kaede where having the time of there life's kicking me like I was a foot ball ( if your American then a soccer ball) and laughing at me.

I then felt my self fall down and fell inside to what seemed an empty tank. I then say Ryoma and. Mother Kirumi " hey mum how are-"

"Don't ever call me that you picse of shit" Kirumi pointed her finger at me. " As president of Japan I sentence you to death. Ryoma if you please" Ryoma nodded at Kirumi and pulled a lever. Water was starting to fill the tank.

I could feel my lungs burn as they begged for oxygen. I closed my eyes and then see Angie, Tenko and Korekiyo in front of me. " Atua say that you don't deserve love Kokichi, you have the right to suffer" Angie says in a prying stance. Tenko then used her akido skills on me and knock me on the floor. Kiyo then tied me up and hung me aboth a pot of boiling water. " My sister would love to see you, see you suffer that is" He then let go of the rope and dropped me into the pot of boiling water.

The next thing I know, I was on a roof. I looked around. It looked like , the neo world program. "Gonta is very upset at Kokichi" No it can't be.i turned around and see Gonta crying. I then felt something wrapped around my neck and strangle me. " Ha how dose it feel cockichi, now you know what I felt before I died" the voice was definitely Miu's voice. She tightened the toilet paper around my neck cutting of my wind pipe.

I couldn't stay up any longer. I let my self fall unconscious.

"....ichi....kok....kokichi hey wake up man"


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