chapter 16

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"m-maki.... Why did you save me?" I looked at the assassin that had her leg traped under the rubble. " I did for Shuichi okay now just get these rocked off my leg. Me and the others succeeded on freeing the assassin but there right ankle was damaged. Gonta volunteered to carry her so we can move on.

(Ha I am not killing anyone off.....yet)

Soon we reach the end of the underground system and saw two girls. One had short brown hair with an ahoge and another with dark hair. "Are you the kids makoto sent ?" Said the brown hair girl. We all nodded in agreement.

The two took us into a room that looked like a break room but bigger. We all sat down and Kirumi immediately started of fixing maki's ankle. Still want to know why she saved me.

"So tell me miss, why do you carry a megaphone?" I asked the brown hair. "Oh , byakua gave it to me when I first met him." She answered. "Oh where am my maners my name is komaru naegi and this is my best friend toko fukawa"

"Nishishi nice to meet you... Wait are you related to makoto naegi?"

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