Chapter 4 -Mysteries

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Weeks later

Mackenzie Pov

"Hey, Mack! How are you?"I heard a voice ask me. I turned my head to see Kitty Pyrde standing beside me, while I was sitting down in the grass outside Xavier's.

"I'm fine."I said uneasy. I think Kitty noticed because she frown.

"No, what's wrong? You've been acting, weird lately. You've been like this ever seen the day right before you met the Avengers."Kitty explained.

I sighed, and shrugged. "I'm just haven't been in the mood , for anything. "

"I got a idea."Kitty said, suddenly.

I just rasied one eyebrow.

"Let's go shopping!"She exclaimed with a smile. "Or at least go out in the city."She suggested.

I nodded happily, however I didn't smile.

Before, I knew it Kitty was dragging me who knows where. I sighed.


"Do you like this one!?"Yelled Kitty holding up different dresses, and clothing in my face.

"I like the purple one!"I proudly stated. Kitty frowned, a bit.

"Why do you like purple so much?"Kitty asked. I shrugged.

"I'll be right back ."Kitty said walking away. "Okay."I mummered.

"Ma'am, do you know where the closest book store is?"I asked the lady at the first desk. She nodded, and told me the directions. I smiled politely , and left the mall. I'll just tell Kitty that I saw a must see, and had to get it. Which isn't a totally lie, because I did see this book I wanted......

It was not long till I made it to the book store. I heard the sound of bells, which the door makes when it opens.

"Ah! Hello, Mrs. Mackenzie ."Said a rough voice. I turned my head to see Mr. Shellman. "Hi, Mr. Shellman."I said , a smile plastered on my face.

Mr. Shellman nodded, and return to what he was doing.

He owns the store.

While, humming a tone I made my way to the fiction side of the book store.

"Oh, this looks nice."I said looking at a book I picked up.

"Mack! Hey."Startled I almost dropped the book. I turned around to see James.

Mr. Shellman's son.

"Hey."I said glancing at him, and returning to the book in my hand.

"So-"James then stopped mid sentence. I just rasied my eyebrow.

James then walked away, muttering something. I just shrugged, and walked over to the front .

"Ah. Mrs. Mackenzie what book do you have this time?"Mr.Shellman asked , his grey hair shinning.

"Tuck Everlasting. Ever read it?"I asked holding the book up, so he can see it.

Mr. Shellman shook his head, as if he was saying no. I nodded, and then paid for the book.

"Do you need a ride home?"James asked as he seen me , about to leave the store. I shook my head, no.

"It's getting late. Are you sure?"He tried again. I just shook my head, no.

"You know it's dark outside? A girl like you shouldn't be walking at this hour."He said.

Can't this guy, take a hint? Who is he my dad?

"A girl like me, huh? Explain."I kind of demanded. Oh , well. He's just lucky I didn't attack him....

"Your not like other girls. Your different."James explained.

Of course, I'm different. I'm a mutant .

"Bye, James."I said then walked out the store. At least James, was right about one thing. It's late, and really dark.

I shrugged, walking down on the sidewalk. I just noticed, something. It's awfully, quiet, and lonely.

No traffic. No sound. No Nothing.

Weird, right? Without other thought, I continued my walk however fell, and slid off the sidewalk , and onto the street.

"Shit."I muttered placing my right hand on my head. Slowly, I got up on my feet. And continued walking.

'Blank space' then came blasting through.

Hello, nice to meet you? Where you been? I can sh-

"Hello?"I said answering the phone.

"Where are you?"I heard Kitty ask.

"A few feet away from the book store."I said looking around.

"Really? You le-"Kitty didn't get to finish her sentence, because my phone went dead.


Maybe there's a payphone around here.

Shrugging, my shoulders my legs continued to walk once more.

I hug myself as it grew cold. I mean it just got cold out of nowhere! I shook my head, as a shriver went down my shine. I stopped in tracks, and closed my eyes shivering slightly.

I now wish I could control, and make fire.

Where's Pyro, ,Hotspot, Johnny Storm, or any other dude who can make fire when you actually need them?

I opened my eyes for a second then closed them.

"Cold?" Asked a husky voice, that is very unfamiliar, but familiar at the same time.

I gasped upon hearing the voice. My eyes flew open to see the same guy that trashed the Avengers' party.

However he was wearing something different.

He wore black pants, with a very dark green shirt.

I nodded.

"Your the same girl aren't you?"He asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. "I said with a nod.

"Your different."He said matter-of-factly .

I didn't say anything. Out of nowhere, he grasped my chin in his pale hands. I gasped in , shock. A shock much like electricity, ran through my body. The good thing was it didn't harm me. I enjoyed it actually.

"What's your name?"He asked titling my head back so he could see my face, properly. "Mac-"I didn't get to finish because suddenly loud thunder startled me. I tensed, a bit. However the man, in front of me wasn't bother by the thunder. I think he simply ignored it.

"Relax."He demanded, looking into my eyes. Seconds later , I was relaxed . I don't know how, however.

"I wonder what's different about you. When I attacked, you didn't seem scared or worried not in the least. Why?"He asked rubbing his fingers arcoss my chin.

I shrugged. "Wasn't scared."

I don't think he liked that answer, because he looked at me with hard, and confused eyes.

He then let go of me, releasing my chin. "This is yours."He said putting my new book I had just got in my hands, softly.

How, did he get it? Did , I drop it?

I looked down at the book in my hands.

"Thank you."I said looking up execpting to see the guy. However , he was gone.

I sighed, confused.

So many questions, but no answers.

Just all these mysteries.

1086 words.

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