Chapter 6-We meet again

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Mackenzie Pov

I yawned as I stretched my body out. Today should be a good day. Hopefully. Slowly, I got up out of bed, and made my way to my bathroom.

I turned on my shower , and music on my phone . I turned my music  up all the way, and it was loud!

"Shower time!"I exclaimed before stripping out of my clothes, and hopping in the shower.


I happily skipped downstairs , humming a happy tone.  My hair flopping up, and down as I skipped down the stairs.

"I see, someone's happy."I heard my uncle muttered.

"Oh, Logan. Yes, I'm happy."I said with a smile. Logan nodded.

"Why?"Logan asked.

"I'm going to Canada today!"I almost yelled at him.
Why, are you going to Canada? He asked , which I ignored easily.

Realization, hit Logan.

"You going alone, bub?"He asked

Bub? Who is this mortal? He asked .

I just rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Logan . I'm going alone."I said.

"No, you can't go alone . You can get hurt. "Logan said,

My eyes widen. "You actually care!?"

Logan sighed, and rolled his eyes looking the other way.

"Oh my gosh! You do care."I exclaimed poking Logan in random places in his chest. In return he only sent a death glare my way.

I opened my mouth , and released my cannies. 

Logan bawled his right hand, and SNIKT! Those damn claws came out. Now, he has a fucking bonus.

I don't have claws, which i'm gald, and pissed off about.

"Don't."I turned my head to see Charles.

Logan just rasied one eyebrow.

"Logan, can you go start the car?"Charles asked already knowing that we were going to Canada. Once Logan was out of hearing distance, Charles turned to face me.

"Mackenzie, are you ok?"Charles asked, concerned. I nodded.

"Really? Your happier than ever. Out of nowhere."Charles said.

I laughed. "I'm, fine."

"Then, why can't I get into your mind? I know your a telepath, but your powers are not strong enough for you push people out your head. "Charles explained.

I nodded, confused.

"Is someone guarding your mind?"Charles asked.

"I don't know."I said then walk out of the mansion.

Has Charles lost it? Is he drinking again? What is he talking about he has the most powerful mind on Earth, but yet he can't get into a weakly's mind like me? Is not like I have a sheild like my mom. Or its not like I'm going to go Phoenix on everyone. I'm not making people kneel ,or any of that crap. I shook my head, and walked to the car.

"Bub!"Logan said seating in the driver's seat.

"Hey."I said getting in the car .

"Ready?"Logan asked driving the car out the garage.

"Yes! Get me out that hell hole!"I exclaimed putting my hands in the air.

Logan laughed, and drove away , speeding.


"Wake up!"I heard someone say, while they shook me gently. My eye lids flew up to see Logan .

"Morning."I said sitting up.

"Morning." Logan said helping me out the car.
You never told me, morning. But you tell the wolf man? He asked in my head again.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. Logan looked at me confusion.

"It's nothing. Just a head ache."I said rubbing my head. Logan nodded.

Headache, huh? Wonder why...

Almost growled, but then remembered that Logan was here, and he'd hear me.

"Where are we?"I asked now taking in my surroundings.

"A woods in Canada."Logan said, simply. I nodded.

"Come on follow me."Logan said grabbing, and was practically dragging me through the woods until we reach a nice looking cabin.

"Nice."I compliment in which Logan just nodded . Logan then lead me in the cabin.

It was nice on the inside, and out. Sweet.

"Who lives here?"I asked looking around.

"Lived."Logan corrected.

"Me, Victor, and Isabella."Logan said now sipping a beer.

"Where's Victor? Can I meet him?"I asked sitting on the glass.

Logan nodded.

"Im going to die. Isabella going to kill me.I'll just let Storm or Emma plan your funeral."Logan said casually.


"So what your saying is, when or if I meet my uncle, Victor. I might not come out alive! Or ever be seen again!"I exclaimed jumping up with my hands in the air.

Logan , nodded. "Exactly."

"However he MIGHT not kill or hurt you because Victor, and Isabella are on good terms. So it's like a 50/ 50."Logan added.

I nodded. "Is the whole family like this!?"

Logan just, shrugged.

"I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up, when it's 7:30 a.m"I said walking away.

"It's 5:00 am. Are you s-"I cut Logan off.

"Yes, now let me get my sleep."I said, and stormed off.


"Where we going, now?"I asked as we were back in the car, driving again.

"A diner."Logan said. I nodded, I was a bit hungry. And, I haven't been in a diner in a while.

About 15 mintutes we arrived at a old school looking diner.

"Looks like the 80's all over again. Are we in the 80's?"I asked dramatically getting out the car. Logan laughed, and lead me inside.

Third Person Pov

While Mackenzie, and Logan were eating their breakfast a tall man , with long black hair, bright green eyes, and clothing that was mostly green, but had black, and gold in it as well.

Slowly, he walked into the diner looking a bit disgusted by his surroundings, but it didn't really matter to him. The people were pathetic, so he didn't care. Not one bit.

The man then spotted who he was looking for, and made his over there. He ignored all the pathetic humans, who couldn't mind their own damn business.

Mackenzie  Pov

"So your, Victor, and my mum were all born here in Canada?"Mackenzie asked sipping some of her smoothie.

Logan nodded .

"What's your favorite places here?"I asked.

"Um, the woods, and bars."Logan said with a shrug. I held my laugher in, and looked down at my hands, which were in my lap.

"Who the hell are you?"Logan growled. I then looked up , and saw bright green eyes looking at me. The man smiled.

"My name is....

1055 words.

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