Chapter 17- Don't leave me

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Mackenzie Pov

Leave Mackenzie, things are about to get ugly, and violent. And I don't want you to view it. None of it.

Loki said in my mind, but he was still looking at the giant guy in the cape as if waiting for him to strike. The man clutched his hammer, and then noticed me. He frowned, looking at me.

"My lady I am Thor Odinison. God of -"He continued, but I shot Loki a look.

Odinison? Loki who exactly is this?

Thor. Think about.

I did as I was told, and thought about. Oh. Thor, the guy from the Avengers. The guy from Asgard.

Makes sense now. I nodded.

"Well um Thor. Why are you here?"I asked walking over by Loki. Loki looked at me weirdly. I could tell he was in deep thought.

"My lady, I am here for Loki. To take him home."Thor boomed. It wasn't his fault. He was just naturally loud. Out the corner of my eye I saw Loki tense.

"I-"I cut Loki off. "He's not going anywhere."I said with my hands on my hip. I got my sass, and controlling people from Erik. Blame him. Which is funny considering im a thadepath, and Erik is not.

"By the way names Mackenzie not "my lady",I added.

Thor seemed confused, and I knew why.

He saw me, and Loki. Loki now had his arm on my wasit.I would of hugged him or something but his armor kind of made it hard. And I was kind of shaken up after our kiss. Hopefully, Loki didn't notice.

For some odd reason my body grew cold. A burning sensation ripping it's way through my body. My vision blurred. I lost all knowledge of my surroundings. But, before I had time to react or anything hot ripped it's way in my head. Something-or someone was trying was trying to get in my head.

It wasn't Loki for sure, but the coldness sure was familiar. I screamed, holding my head. I couldn't hear, or see anything but myself.

"Loki!Help!"I screamed, next thing you know I blacked out.


My surroundings changed. I was no longer stopping Loki, and Thor from killing each other. Loki. Where am I?

My body laid in a bed, a huge bed at that. Everything, around me was a beautiful bright, shiny, and metallic gold. It reminded me of my mom's, and Logan's claws execpt it wasn't grey.

Big , heavy fury -I then burst into laughter. Fury! Like Nick Fury! Anyways... this like heavy, but soft cover was wrapped up on me.

From my knowledge I was in a room. A huge, nice, fancy, and extensive room.
What the hell happened? Where, is Loki? Where, am I? Why, does the craziest shit always happen to me.

I sighed, and shook my head throwing it back onto a soft pillow. Moments later,I was interrupted by a voive.

"Your awake. "

Woah. I had the nerve to think Loki, and Vic were on some stalker type shit. I shook my head rapidly as if to clear my negative thoughts on of my mind. But I know for a fact a telepath can't have a 100% empty head. It's either in someone else's head, your own. But, anyway.

"Yes. Yes, I am awake."I said, weirdly. I looked around the room. No one was thought execpt me. But I still felt another presence in my mind. Meaning, someone else is on this room.

"Please. Please don't hurt him. He's not a bad person. Just a broken soul, that needs fixing. "The voice pleaded. I then knew a woman was speaking to me. Her voice sounded wise, and soft.

Hm.Who was he?Why was this lady talking to me? Not to be rude, or anything. I'm so confused.....

"Who is he?"I asked curious. The room was silenced until the voice spoke again.

"My son. My youngest. "The voice started. I just stared at nothing. I mean this lady was just talking, and I couldn't even see her! I was just about to ask another question, when everything went black. AGAIN!


My surroundings  slowly came back to me. The burning sensation slowly started leaving my body much to my happiness . My eyes flew open, and I took in my surroundings, again.

The first thing I saw was Loki staring at me with bright green eyes looking worried. I was back in my room, and Loki was beside me again. My room was the same, again.

"Damn you, woman. What are you doing to me? What would I do without you?" Loki asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

I grinned, then sat up. Loki rushed up to help me.

"1-I'm fine. 2-I'm not a woman, not even in my 20's, yet! 3-What am I doing to you? Nothing. 4-What would you do without me? Most likely kill Thor, and a ALOT of other people."I joked playfully hitting Loki on his chest.

Loki chuckled, sending a smirk my way. But, suddenly all playfulness was all gone.

"Mackenzie, I need you to promise me something."Loki said as he grabbed one of my hands, and gently rubbed circles on it. Who knew Loki could be sooooo....

I nodded, as he continued. "Don't leave me."Loki said glancing up at me. I smiled a bright smile at him.

"I won't. "

Not even the fangirls could stop me.

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