Chapter 21- I love you

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Loki Pov

I was thrown outside the front doors of the school. My body went rolling until I finally stopped in the middle of green grass. I groaned, but didn't dare move a inch from my spot.

"Loki, we are leaving. We have to. The Bifrost is fixed, we cannot stay here any longer, brother. Mother was been worried about you. We all have."A familiar voice boomed.


Slowly, I then stood up on my feet.

"Why must you tell me lies? Lie after Lie."I spoke in amusing voice. I dusted myself off, and just stared at Thor then my surroundings. I then grew angery.

"Why must you ruin everything!? I was fine! Everyone was fine. But, yet you come here, and destroy things that do not belong to you."I exclaimed using hand gestures. Thor didn't say anything, and I'm glad.

I then began to look at my surroundings, again. 

My Mackenzie lives here, and now her home is ruined. There was a huge hole on the side of the school. I quickly turnt to give Thor a cold glare.

I then noticed several of Asgard's best guards stood not to far behind Thor. In one  of the guards hands were as what the mortals thought were hand cuffs, but I knew they weren't. Thor looked at me ,sadly.

"Thor,  just  leave. There's no reason for  for your being here. I didn't do nothing wrong!"I yelled ignoring the guards who hand cuffed me.

"Brother, I am so sorry. All-father sent me. "Thor said. I rolled my eyes.

I shrugged against the chains they held on me. "Let me go!" I yelled.

"Where is she!?"I asked still struggling in their grip. The more I struggled, the more the handcuffs tightened cutting at my wrists. Drips of blood fell from my arm, but to be honest I didn't care. I couldn't use my powes either. Because, the handcuffs were draining me from my magic. It was weakening me by a every second that I struggled.

"Where is who?"Thor asked, confused.

"My Mackenzie! "I yelled in a angry growl.

Thor was still confused, and that pissed me off more.

Suddenly, a scream broke me from thoughts. I turned to look at Mackenzie. It looked as if she had been crying. That angered me more. Why was she crying? Who made her cry?

Mackenzie then ran over to me, and hugged my neck bringing me closer to her. The guards glared at Mackenzie. She glared back,  and let her fangs, and growled.

"Loki we must go!"A voice boomed.

Suddenly, Mackenzie, and I are now  being pulled away from each other while more guards appeared. Mackenzie hissed, trying to get to me. I did the same, but failed miserably because of the handcuffs bounded to my hands.

Mackenzie screamed seeing the state I was in. "No!!"She then began to fight the guards trying to get to me. I then noticed her glossy eyes, and anger burned in me.

"Let me go!!" I hissed struggling, but got the same results as before. My vision blurred, before my eyes. These handcuffs were weakening me by the second, they tore at my skin. But, I wasn't going down without a fight. I wasn't no coward, nor was Mackenzie.

Mackenzie screamed. I yelled out in anger trying to be released from these damn handcuffs.


I briefly turned my head to see Logan with his adamantium claws out. I watched as he looked at the guards with pure anger. Was it because they were holding his niece hostage, or that he'd been thrown in a wall? Or that the school was destroyed, or he was disturbed? I don't know.

Logan then lunged himself at the guards. Killing some, and injuring others. Mackenzie took this time to run over to me, and gasped my face in her soft hands. I could see tears threatening to fall. It hurted me to look at her like this. Her firey, playful, and sadistic attitude gone, but was replaced with pure sadness, and something else.

"Don't cry."I said softly looking down at her.My heart arched, and eyes burned. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

Mackenzie just shook her head rapidly, as if she was disagreeing on something.

"N-no, y-you can't leave. I-I"Mackenzie trailed off.

"I lo-" I was cut off by Thor's hard grip on my arm. Before I could proceed anything, we were shooting up in the sky surrounded by a rainbow of colors.

I didn't get to tell her I love her......

Mackenzie Pov

I screamed as tears flowed down my face. I cannot belive this is happening. I screamed yelling curses at the sky. No! This is not happening. Why? Just why!?

I continued screaming curses at the sky until I couldn't take it anymore. I fell on the ground on my knees, and started sobbing uncontrollably.  Logan tried to comfort me, but I just told him to go away. Well, I actually yelled. But, he understood. He m nodded walking away glancing at me

This is bullshit! Why, did this have to happen now? I didn't even get to tell him.

"Loki."I started in a whispered.

I took a deep breath as I inhaled.

"I love you."

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