Chapter 10- Family Reunion?

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Mackenzie Pov

Logan stood in a fighting stance with his claws out. I glanced at him.

"Go on!"Logan said taking a small glance at me. At first I hesaited , but then Logan glared at me, and motioned for me to go. Next thing, you know i'm running down several halls looking for Loki, and Vic.

"Or, rather it be death upon you?"I heard a familar voice. 5 , 4, 3


Where, the hell are you? I sent to Loki's mind.

Ah, you've finally found me. Go straight then make a left.

With a groan, I followed Loki's directions which lead me to what looked like a glass cell.

There inside the cell was Vic, Loki, and a blonde haired girl. Mmm

"Mack! "Vic exclaimed.

"Where, have you been?"She added. I rolled my eyes, and groaned.

"Looking for you."I said as if it was oblivious. Loki smirked. Vic rolled her eyes, and the blonde haired girl just glared at me.

"So are you just going to stare at us , or get us out?"Vic asked in a jokingly matter. I growled at her making both her, and Loki look amused. However, the blonde girl looked doubtful.

With a deep breath , I extended my arms in front of me. I took another deep breath as I closed my eyes. Before you knew it my

the glass shook gently, and sped up after time. The glass then broke making broke  pieces of glass fly everywhere.

Loki smirked, standing up walking my way. I just rasied a eyebrow.

"Impressive."He said nodding.

I smiled a bit. Vic then skipped out of the now broken cell next to us.

"Nice."She complemented with a nod.

"Thanks."I said.

"Stacy."The blonde said then walked away.


Suddenly, alarms started ringing making me jump, and cover my ears.

"That was execpted."Vic yelled. She had to or we couldn't of heard her because of the loud alarms.

I nodded , looking around there were several doors, and hallways.

Suddenly, there was a big bang.

"Follow me!"I demanded looking at Loki, and Vic. With a slight nod, we ran through the hall on the left. It was the closest. If I didn't know better I'd say we were in a earthquake , because EVERYTHING shook as we ran . Things were falling down everywhere.

"Where do we go!? We're lost!"Vic exclaimed looking around for a exit. I looked over to Loki, who looked deep in thought.
Go, you and Vic. I'll find a way out. Loki's voice ecohed in me , and Vic's head.

"Are you crazy!?"She yelled. Loki titled his head, "Maybe."

"There's no time for this! We need to get out of here!"I yelled. Loki nodded, "Go, both of you!"

"No!"Vic, and I both screamed.

"Not, without you!"I added.

Loki was about to say something when we heard a bang, and Loki's body went flying towards a wall.

"Loki!"I screamed. I jumped back when large pieces from the celling came falling down between Loki , and I.

I backed up, and tripped.

"Mack, we have to go!"Vic said pulling me away.

"Loki!"I screamed as Vic pulled me back. Before Vic and I can even do anything a explosion sent of flying back.

"Urghh!"I groaned getting up from the surprisely cold floor. I looked over to Vic to see that she was also getting up.

SNIKT! Me, and Vic both turned around to see a black haired girl with claws like Logan's execpted she didn't have the mid claw.

My eyes widen .


The black haired girl gets in a fighting stance, and so does Vic. Now, I wished I had claws....

The black haired girl I now recognize as Laura then lunged at Vic. She knocks them both down to the ground. She's goes in to punch Vic, when Vic swings her leg out knocking Laura down.

Laura swings a clawed hand towards Vic's face. However , before empact was made I ran behind Laura.I swung Laura around to face me then quickly punched her knocking her down.

"Thanks."Vic said before she went back in the fight. Next thing you know, I flew back.

I groaned , as I was thrown into a metal wall. That shit hurts, really bad.

"Mmm. Weird."A female voice said nearby. I turned around to see a girl probably near Vic, and my age.

She had rainbow colored hair which was awesome, and kind of long. Her eyes were multi colored. She was also wearing all black. Right then, and there I knew she had to be a mutant. However, she was soooo familar...

"What's weird?"I asked now standing on my feet. "You. Your scent smells familar, and has similarities to people I've met."She said.

I nodded,"Mackenzie, but call me Mack."

"Myra."The girl I know as Myra said.

"Your not suppose to be out of your cells!"Splat a angry looking guy.

Myra rolled her eyes, but made no move or effort to try, and leave. I just glared.

"Did you not hear me I -"I cut the man off.

"We know exactly what you said."I started.

"Pain."The man then fell down in agony.

"Cool."Myra said nodding her head. I smiled. I frowned when I noticed that there were gates surrounding us. Myra noticed my face expression then SNIKT.

Claws that looked EXACTLY like Logan's, and my mom's were extended from her knuckles.

Myra then cut a large X into a gate, then walked through the now opened gate. I followed behind a suit.

Vic's Pov

Laura threw me into a wall. I growled out , and lunged at her. I knocked her to the ground then clawed at her face several times. She then kicked me in the stomach making me moan in pain. I fell off of her with a groan. Slowly, I stood up. Laura then launched at me with several punches. Luckily, I dodged them all. Laura then rasied her clawed head about to claw at my face, or something. But Laura suddenly fell into a wall making a large dent in it. Next thing you know a blue light is shot out towards Laura knocking her out cold.

"Huh?"I asked under my breath.

"Really, Vic? Really?"

I then turned my head to see both of my cousins. Mack, and Myra standing next to far from me.

Woah. Are, we having a family reunion?

Author's Note- I do not own Vic . @kittykitty555 owns her. I do not own Myra, either. @Fan_Girl__ owns her.

Thank you!

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