Chapter 14-Why you got to be soooo ....

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Mackenzie's pov

"See anything you like?"I questioned watching Loki, curiously. We were currently in Macy's in the men's department, and so far the only thing Loki has looked at , or asked for is anything green, gold, and black. No offense, I actually have no problem with those colors, but Im not going to wear it 24/7!

After hearing my voice Loki paused, and turned to face me. "Honestly? "Loki asked after a moment of silence. I nodded, even through the question made my blood turn cold in my veins. Loki, God of Mischief , and lies literally asked me does I want the truth. Wow, that's new...

"I don't like anything in ."Loki started, boredly. Fair enough. I rolled my eyes, and let out a breath. "You have to get something!" I almost growled. I didn't want to growl at Loki for sooo many reasons.

Loki sent a cold glare my way, then disappeared! Not like Kurt , through Loki just disappeared! Like he wasn't even there! Unlike Kurt, there was a cloud of smoke.

Next thing, you know I started growling releasing my fangs. I didn't care who saw me! I have to find Loki. He just can't disappear when he wants! Even through most of the time, I wished I could just disappear  , and reappear when I want to. Unfortunately, life doesn't work like.

Anyway.......... I growled looking at my surroundings looking for any sign of Loki.

"Ma'am?"A voice asked behind me. I growled, quietly. Then I did what I call the "Feral dance". It's really cool. Let me explain. I had turned around slowly. Slow motion, style. My eyes darkening. My fangs to their full extend. I was sending off death glares. Cool right? Still don't understand. Ask my mom, my uncle Victor Creed, or my uncle  Logan.

Anyways... "What?"I asked , coldly. I really wasn't in the mood for this!

The woman screamed thorwing her hands up in the air. I almost laughed.You should of seen her face!

"I-I -I j-jjust w-anted t-to inform y-y-y-our b-oy -boyfriend."The woman stuttered. What? I'm single , lady! Not taken by anyone! Nor, do I go with anyone!

Really? Someone begs differ, love.

LOKI! I almost screamed hearing his voice in my head. Yet, again. However, I bit my lip from screaming.


Woah, suddenly I feel hot.

Is it hot in here, or its just me?

Just you.Im actually rather cold.

Loki stay the hell out of my head! Without another thought, or anything I started walking away. No one's screaming so I'm guessing everything is all good, right? I shook my head, and looked at some clothes Loki picked out.

Once, I looked at the clothes closely my eyes almost popped out my sockets. DOES LOKI KNOW I CANNOT AFFORD THIS SHIT! I shake my head rapidly, while holding my templates. Should of known Loki would pick out the most fabulous, and extensive stuff! He's a god for goodness sakes!

"A very, very nice looking one too."I mumbled quietly.

"Really? You think I'm attractive? "A very familiar voice asked in a teasing tone. I growled, again. However, I just noticed that my fangs weren't out, and visible anymore. I just shrugged.

Loki smirked, then frowned .

"I picked out clothes. Misgardian clothes. Do you not like them?"Loki asked, confused.

I rolled my eyes, then sighed.

"I can't afford them."I stated.

Loki nodded, then took my hand.

"What? No! Let go!"I screamed pulling back, but Loki didn't budge.

I sighed in defeat. "Why you got to be soo...." I trailed off.

Daughter of the Wildcat:Dark Shadow (Book 1) Loki/OcWhere stories live. Discover now