Chapter 9 - Don't piss me off!

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Mackenzie Pov

I sat on the couch watching TV. Well, a movie but it's the same . Everything was good, until Logan stormed in with a unreadable expression. I just rasied my eyebrow.

With, no heastion or anything Logan tossed two files on the table infront of me.

Both, of the files held information about Vic, and Loki.

Oh no.


Vic Pov

Me, and Loki were now heading back towards the house. Loki, is a old friend of mine.

"So, when are you going to tell her?"I asked, curious.

"When the time is right."Loki said walking slowly.

I nodded, with a small grin.

" So t-"I was cut off by a sound in the near by distance.

Both me, and Loki stopped in our tracks.

"Did, you hear that?"I asked.


We heard the sound again. Next thing you know we were surrounded by people dressed in black with masks.

"Oh, shit."

Me , and Loki shared a look. I bawled my fists , and fingers then un bawled. I then extended my claws to there full extend.

Loki's staff then appeared in his hand.


This is bull! Here, me and Loki sat caged in what looked like glass. But, trust me it's not glass. I tried clawing, and banging on it. Sadly, nothing happened. I looked at Loki , just to see him sitting down . He looked deep in thought.

Great just great! Note, the sarcasm.

Mackenzie's Pov

"I can't belive this is really happening. We're breaking into a place for the crazy!"I exictedly exclaimed.

Logan just glanced back at me, then at the road again.

"Even, through Vic, and Loki are not crazy."I added, quietly.

"I disagree."Logan said making me look at him questioning.

"I think Loki is crazy, not Vic."He said . I just rolled my eyes.

Stacy Pov (A oc, yeah I know. She's not mind, either. She's @stacy_official_)

I was being pushed down the halls as I walked. My hands were cuffled behind my back. My blonde hair was a messy mess .My dark blueish grey eyes shined , brightly . Men stood on all sides of me.

Armed, might I say.

"I hope you like it , here! Make yourself , comfortable."A male voice said before I was roughly thrown in what looked like a glass cell. I groaned, sitting up. A loud sound was heard as the metal door was slammed shut.

"Great! I'm in jail."I said with fake enthusiasm.

"Join the club."I heard a female voice said. Seconds later, I heard a male chuckle.

I rasied my head to see two other people .

There was a female, and a male.

"Names, Victoria. Call me Vic."The female now known as Vic said. I nodded to her.

"Stacy. Call me Stace."I said .

Vic nodded.

"Loki."The male said. That's odd.

I rasied my eyebrow. Loki mirrored my actions with a smirk. He seems off.... So I turned to Vic. Loki chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"So, how'd you get in here?"I asked. Vic shrugged.

"Not my first time being in a cage that's located in a place like a prisoner. I can bet you it's not my last, either."Vic said, casually.

I nodded, "Same here?"

"Your a mutant, right?"Vic asked, already knowing the answer.

I nodded,"Yup, learned I was one nearly a year ago."

"Cool."Vic said with a nod.

Vic then bawled her fingers up then unbawled. That caught my attention. She had claws, much like a cat. Awesome!

"What's your power?"Vic asked.

"Or powers."She added.

I smirked. "They don't call me Star for anything."

Vic nodded, and Loki looked at us with amusement in his eyes.

"I can shoot colorful beams of light from anywhere on my body that feels like electricity. My eyes can change to any color it'd like and so change my nails. Lastly, I can basically do almost anything with a source of light."I explained.

Vic, and Loki both looked impressed.

"Sweet."Vic said while Loki just nodded.

Mackenzie Pov.

I ran through endless halls, with my index and middle finger on my template searching for Loki and Vic. With my hearing, I heard foot steps not far from behind me. I swung around in a second, and punched who ever it was. The person then grunted, and fell on the ground. Next you know, im surrounded!


731 words.

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