Welcome Back

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Yoongi POV

"Hey there. Welcome back."

Back? I looked to my left. A man bathed in a yellow glow was sitting by my bed. His blonde hair looked so shiny and soft. His lips, forming the words that I barely understood due to my semi-conscious state, were pinkish and plump, almost pouting as he waited for a response from me. I was attempting to figure out if I was in heaven or in a dream.

"Hummmm," I intoned back. Wishing that I could form actual words. Like, "who are you?" or "where am I?" Instead I just said, "hmmmm" again.

"It's OK. Don't try to talk just yet. You've had a rough night; your head and your throat probably hurt a bit right now."

Now that he said it, I realized he was right. My throat did hurt, and my head was pounding. Why was that? And why was an angel talking to me? What was happening? My confusion enveloped me in a suffocating embrace, one I was trying to escape. As I continued to come back to reality, I realized that I was in my own bed, and the suffocating embrace was my covers twisted around me. I unwound and lifted the covers a bit, realizing I was also awkwardly twisted into my own clothes; clothes I would never actually dress myself in, but my clothes nonetheless.

The angel reached over to my nightstand, picking up a glass of water with a straw in it. "Here, I got this ready for when you woke up. Take a few sips. Not too many; let's see how this sits in your stomach."

After swallowing a few sips of water, he helped me sit up, arranging the pillows behind my back so that I could lean on them comfortably.

"There. That must feel better to sit up. How does your throat feel?" he asked as he grabbed my wrist, placing his pointer and middle finger on my pulse point while he looked at his watch.

As I continued to examine myself, I realized that adding to the smothering feeling I felt when waking up, was an IV attached to my hand. Following the line up, I noticed it was attached to a bag of something.

Ah. So not an angel, but instead a medical professional. "Doctor?" I croaked out. I had wanted to use a full sentence, but it felt like there were razor blades stuck in my throat.

"Humph," he pouted. "Why does everyone assume I'm a doctor? I'm a nurse." He gave me a dazzling smile. It was so dazzling I thought my heart stopped, but he didn't react as he continued monitoring my pulse, so it was probably just my imagination.

He continued in a soft voice, "You are doing so much better than you were last night. Can you talk now? How do you feel?"

"I-," I tried to talk again but my voice wasn't completely back yet. I took another sip from the water he placed on my nightstand, tried to clear my throat, and started again. "OK. I think." My voice was raspier than usual, but I could tell it would come back in due time.

He smiled, speaking quietly. "Yoongi, how much do you remember from last night?"

I leaned my head back on the pillows behind me, thinking about last night. What did I remember from last night? Assuming I was waking up on the day after my party, I remembered getting ready for the party, dressing in my favorite leather pants and loose tee shirt. I made sure there was plenty of alcohol for my guests and had contacted my supplier to stock up on some other good stuff. I know people started coming over around 9:00, I was taking shots with friends, smoked a little on my balcony with other friends and then .... well, that's when it gets a little fuzzy.

"Oh, shit," I suddenly remembered, "Where's Jaenan?"

Angel (that's what I'm calling him until I know his name) looked at me confused. "Who?"

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