Dinner with a side of Danger [M]

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Yoongi POV

I was able to effectively finish my artwork without Hoseok knowing the subject. I cleaned up and found him, still on the phone but wrapping up a call.

Once he disconnected the call, I questioned him. "It feels like you're constantly on the phone. What do you talk about all day?"

He chuckled at me. "Some of us have to actually talk to people in order to get things done. Not all of us have the talent to isolate ourselves and create. Speaking of which, you look kind of happy. Were you able to make some progress?"

I smiled, actually smiled, smiled so big that it took over my whole face, and Hoseok noticed. "Wow. You did make progress! I have not seen you smile that big in a long time."

We both sunk into our own thoughts, with Hoseok finally interrupting our silence by saying, "I guess I am pretty amazing. Just one day with me and you're inspired." He looked off into the distance, with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"Yup, that must be it," I replied with a hint of sarcasm, but not enough for him to question me. There was no way I was going to tell him what my inspiration was today. We walked back to my place content with ourselves and each other, travelling in companionable silence.

When we walked through my door, Hoseok indicated he wanted to order dinner soon. "You kept me cooped up in your studio all day with nothing to eat. I'm HUNGRY and require something to eat immediately."

As he was talking, I looked in the fridge and noticed that I had ingredients to make us dinner, thanks to Angel shopping for me. "I'm feeling inspired. How about I make us dinner instead?"

"Really? That sounds great. What can I help with?" Hoseok asked.

"Nothing; I got this. Go relax...or make some more of those calls you always make." I replied with a mocking smile.

Hoseok smiled back at me. "OK, but I'll help clean after we eat."

I turned on some upbeat music and got into the groove of chopping, cooking, seasoning and plating. And before I could even think about it, dinner was on the table and we were sitting down eating.

"Ohmygod, Yoongi. I forgot how good you are at cooking!" Hoseok enthused. We both continued shoveling food in as we talked, but I couldn't help my mind drifting to Angel every so often. Wondering what he was doing, how he was doing, and why he hadn't returned my text.

Eventually we were both sufficiently stuffed, leaning back on our chairs, rubbing our extended stomachs while talking about old times. In fact, it felt like old times and I was content. Hoseok interrupted the silence, "Wow, that was fantastic!" he glanced down at his watch, widening his eyes when he saw the time. "It's 9:30 already?" he groaned, "you may have to roll me to bed."

I laughed, still feeling good about what I had accomplished today, but noticing that I was feeling fidgety. I didn't want to sit still, and I felt that this could develop into something more than unease if I didn't get moving.

I stood up and began clearing the plates. "Hey," Hoseok reprimanded, "I said I was going to clean up."

"It's OK, I'm feeling keyed up. I need to burn off some of this energy before I go to bed, so I'll take care of cleaning." I responded. "But this means you have to cook me breakfast," I teased.

"Thanks, Yoongi. I'm going to go take a shower and get to bed. You have tired me out today. See you in the morning." He leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight, Hoseok," I responded as I walked into the kitchen to begin cleaning. I turned on music again, but this time it was something a little smoother and jazzier to fit the evening clean-up vibe, and to hopefully help me mellow out a bit. It took me a while, but I finally finished cleaning the dishes and gave my kitchen an overall good scrubbing, even sweeping the floor.

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