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Jimin POV

I had fallen asleep on the train ride and was awakened when the motion stopped, and people began exiting the train. I stood up, quickly grabbing my bag that was on the seat beside me, feeling excited to be able to see my friends after so long.

I stepped onto the platform and started looking around for my friend Tae, who promised he would pick me up. I eventually spotted him, and when he saw me, he started running toward me with his arms open wide.

"Jimin!" he shouted from across the station, picking up speed on his way to me.

"Taehyung!" I yelled back, dropping my bag and the jacket I was holding in order to fully extend my arms and catch him when he flung himself at me, which he did almost before I was ready.

"Ahhh! I missed you so much!" I could barely understand him through his laughing and excited yelling, especially after he started repeatedly kissing the top of my head while he wrapped his legs around my waist.

Other passengers who were scattered around the station looked on with curious glances. I'm sure they thought we were a couple, but they couldn't have been more wrong. Tae and I were friends since we could barely walk and had been through school together. Though our lives took totally different paths we could not have been closer if we were brothers.

I couldn't stop laughing at his funny antics. He eventually hopped off me, grabbing my bag from the ground with his left hand while slinging his right arm around my shoulders. I slid my left arm around his waist, and we started walking toward the exit.

Just through the exit doors, with the smell of my hometown greeting me, the sunlight hit my face, temporarily blinding me and causing a bit of confusion when I heard someone yelling, "HEY! Get your hands off my boyfriend!" The person yelling approached us and peeled Tae's hand off my shoulders. I took a few more small steps so that my eyes were shaded by structures around us and looked up, squinting my eyes.

"Who da fuck you think you are?" I responded back, gripping Tae's waist tighter, squeezing him to me, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. I placed the most intimidating look on my face I could and stared down this boy.

He scowled at me, all of us stuck there looking at each other until Tae finally broke his composure and started laughing, which caused me to laugh, saying through my laughter, "Kook! I've missed you. I didn't know you'd be here to pick me up. How's my little baby?!"

Kook was laughing too, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a hug, "Stop calling me a baby! I'm bigger than you."

"Yeah, yeah. But you'll always be my baby! Size doesn't matter!" I responded.

Kook looked at me seriously, dropping his voice a couple of octaves. "Are you sure about that?" He asked with a smirk on his face, then pointedly looking at Tae, said, "Because I think it matters a lot to some people."

"Jeezus! You know that's not what I meant, you perv." I looked between Tae and Kook, picking up something more than teasing. "Wait, what's going on here? Were you serious about him being your boyfriend?"

I turned my body completely to look Tae square in the eyes. "Tae?" I asked, feeling some level of betrayal that I wasn't informed about this.

He looked down but couldn't hide the smile taking over his entire face. He looked up at me with a glow that emanated from deep within, bursting forth from his whole being and started nodding, "Yup. We made it official last week."

"Last week?" I asked incredulously, "And you didn't tell me until just now?" I whined at him.

Tae looked slightly ashamed, "But you were so busy with your new job, and I didn't want to tell you over text, and then you told me you were trying to get here, so I just thought I'd wait until I saw you." He paused, changing the look on his face to pouty lips with matching eyes, "You're not mad at me, are you?"

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