Dirty Mouth

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Yoongi POV

After I left my place, my conversation with Angel continued to play and replay in my head. I hated that I was mean to him; he had been nothing but an angel to me. A damn hot angel. Although some of the things he said to me were uncalled for, I think I understood why he would say them. I was on the path to be a better person, but still messed up sometimes, and while I knew that, I didn't like someone else pointing it out. I continued walking without knowing where I was going and was surprised by the fact that I ended up in front of my studio.

*ding* I looked down to see that he got a text from Hoseok

H: Jimin told me you tried to fire him
H: Everything OK?

Y: Fine
Y: I'm at my studio going to work on some stuff

H: Want company?

Y: Nope.

H: Come on Y. What's going on?

Y: He is infuriating
Y: I yelled at him so he goes and tells on me to you?
Y: What a baby
Y: I hate that he has to watch me
Y: I hate him

H: No you don't

Y: ...

H: You kinda like him
H: Like-like him
H: More than like him

Y: Hoseok

H: Yoongi

Y: OK...dammit
Y: He's hot as fuck
Y: And I'd smash him until he doesn't know what planet he's on
Y: But he's judgmental
Y: And he's not interested

H: Huh?
H: Are we talking about the same Jimin?

Y: Look, I gtg
Y: I have some stuff brewing in my brain and I want to get it down before it leaves

H: Yoongi...
H: Wait! Come back

I turned off my phone, ignoring Hoseok's last couple of texts. When I'm at my studio, I don't want any interruptions.

However, when I sat down to paint, my mind was racing but my hand felt paralyzed. I couldn't translate everything in my brain to the canvas. I needed to center myself, so I laid on my couch, attempting some breathing techniques to meditate myself into calmness. I must have calmed myself too much because next thing I knew, I was drawn from my sleep by a beautiful giggle. It was a beautiful way to be awakened, as if an angel was calling from heaven.

Then I realized it was not just an angel, but Angel, and that Angel was in my studio, and that I was still angry with Angel. I sat up quickly, hearing Angel end a call on his phone.

I was groggy, but aware enough to know that I didn't tell anyone where I was headed except Hoseok. "How the hell did you know that I was here? Did Hoseok tell you?" I managed to grumble out.

Angel was looking me in the eye, but not immediately responding. "Well?" I questioned him again.

Angel got a scared look in his eye, but that look eventually turned to something hard, almost as if he had made a decision and was resolute to follow through. "You're not going to like this, but it's time to be honest with you."

I gulped and took a breath, steeling myself for what was to come, wondering what he could reveal that was so serious he felt he had to prepare me.

He gushed the next few sentences out, forcing them together and saying them quickly as if I wouldn't realize the impact that way. "A condition of me working for you was that a tracker was installed in our phones. Every time your phone and my phone are a significant distance from each other for a certain amount of time, my alarm sounds, and a notification is sent to Hoseok. Then GPS tells me your last location."

I was dumbfounded and barely got out "What the f..." before Angel interrupted me. "I know. I know we should have told you about this sooner, but at the time I started working with you, Hoseok thought you would fight against it." He continued with a sigh, "I figured it was finally time to be honest."

I gave a sarcastic laugh, never feeling so betrayed. "Honest? Ha! What else are you keeping from me? Did you install a chip in my dick so you know when I'm getting a good suck?"

Angel's cheeks heated, and I looked at him with a satisfied smirk, happy that I could offend him with my crass words. Maybe this would add the necessary fuel so that he'll finally quit and leave me alone.

I stood from the couch, continuing my angry tirade. "Thanks for telling me. Now I know to keep my phone at home when I want some privacy." He started walking toward his equipment. "You can go now and take my phone with you."

"Why are you being like this?" Angel asked quietly.

"Like what?" I spat back.

"Being angry and petty. You know Hoseok is doing this to help you, right?" he questioned.

My mind wasn't even on Hoseok, although I would have a thing or two to say to him, I was angrier with Angel. "And you're doing this just for the money, right?" I questioned back. "Because you made it perfectly clear that this is a professional arrangement and that you're only here to try to fix me. So let me help you out. I'm not some puzzle for you to put back together. I don't want your help, and as of this moment you are only here because it's a condition of my company to continue to support me."

I was staring at Angel, keeping my look as hard as possible. I wanted to make him uncomfortable, I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. He kept my stare, not moving. Some indescribable emotion passing through his eyes, making them look like they were on fire, but he didn't say anything. Dammit I wanted to get a reaction out of him so badly, anything would do.

Finally, he spoke again. "Since I said I wanted to be honest with you, I need to confess one more thing." He took a deep breath, and I waited to hear what else he could possibly have been keeping from me.

"I –" he looked away, as if what he was about to say was even more difficult than telling me he had a secret stalker app on his phone. "I have –"

"Just spit it out." I said angrily, not having the patience to wait for him to gather his words.

He looked shocked but licked his lips before gulping and continuing. "I looked around while you were asleep, even ventured into the other room." He gestured to the closed door where I do most of my work.

A sudden feeling of dread washed down my body, starting with a tingling on my head and landing in my stomach, forming a heaviness that I couldn't push away. I didn't want him to know that I was worried about what he saw, so instead I responded angrily, "How dare you? I never invited you in that room."

Something shifted in Angel. Instead of soft remorse, his gaze and tone of voice turned hard and commanding. "I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not going to. You are acting like a spoiled child. Someone needs to –" but he cut himself off, and I scoffed.

"Needs to what?" I challenged him, walking towards the door where my paintings were, hoping that by moving, the pit in my stomach would go away.

Angel clenched his hands into fists, as if holding himself back from doing something.

I huffed, disappointed that he wasn't going to finish his thought, or engage further with me. "I think we're done here."

He continued staring at me, obviously struggling with something, so I decided to help him by pointing to the couch, and saying in my most condescending voice, "Why don't you just sit your pretty ass down while the grown up finishes his work." I turned my back on him, about to open the door when I felt Angel's hands on me, turning me around and pinning me against the door. His hands slammed on either side of my head, making me wince from the noise, but still maintain a challenging eye contact. He took a deep inhale through his nose, leaned in, mouth just millimeters from mine, eyes locked on mine, and whispered, "shut your dirty mouth before I shut it for you."

I was shocked. For the first time in my life I didn't know how to respond. I continued to stare into Angel's eyes, and realized my mouth moved without permission from my brain. I have no idea what I said, but the shadows that crossed through Angel's eyes were intimidating.

Eventhough I don't know what I said, Angel must have heard me loud and clear,because he responded, "Oh, this is going to be fun, baby boy." And the evil,sexy laugh that bubble up from his throat was enough to make some thingshappen, both in the pit of my stomach, and in my pants.

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