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Yoongi POV

I stared in the direction the car left, taking Angel further and further away with each passing second. Hoseok spoke up, "What was it with all of the weird glances and stuttering? Did something happen between you two?"

"What? No." I denied. "I just feel bad for the kid. Cooped up with me all the time. It can't be fun for him."

Hoseok chuckled. "Yoongi, he's not a kid. He's only a couple of years younger than you. And I think it's safe to say he's probably more mature than you."

I sputtered out, "Whatever. He's a kid. Did you see how excited he was to go party with friends? That beaming smile on his face? His eyes even lit up as if it was Christmas." I said a bit wistfully.

"Oh my God!" Hoseok exclaimed, "do you have feelings for Jimin?"

"Pfft. Of course not," I said as calmly as I could. I thought to myself, "even if I did find him attractive, I certainly didn't have feelings for him."

Hoseok continued as if he didn't hear me. "I mean I would get it if you did. You are together 24/7, so it's natural that some feelings would develop."

I added, "He's not even gay," as if that's a reason to not develop feelings for him.

"No. He is," Hoseok threw out, as if it was a fact already discussed.

I spluttered. "H-how...Are you s..." I couldn't complete a thought aloud thinking about the possibility that Angel was gay. I finally got myself together enough to respond. "Are you listening to me? I said no! No. Feelings." I vehemently contradicted what Hoseok was saying.

"Maybe it's like Stockholm syndrome. You can't help but feel something after a certain length of time?" Hoseok insisted on pushing me further.

I continued to deny any accusations that Hoseok flung at me. "You're ridiculous. He's not a kidnapper. I'm not being held against my will."

"Well.... a little bit, right? It would kind of fit." He countered in a sing-song voice.

"Just drop it. It's so stupid that we're even talking about this. Besides..." I was cut off by Hoseok's phone ringing and him putting his finger up to let me know that we would continue this conversation. However, I was finished talking about this. I wanted to get to my studio, so I went to my room to get ready for the day.

As I walked back into the living room, I asked my manager, "Ready to go to my studio?"

"Of course! I'm eager to see what you've been working on. Anything you're excited about?" Hoseok sounded eager.

As we walk out the door and head in the direction of the studio, I decide to answer Hoseok. "Nah. I've just been trying to get back in my groove."

He looked at me expecting more explanation, finally voicing his concerns aloud. "Yoongi, you know that the Company won't wait long. You were supposed to have your showing a few months ago, and it's been delayed twice. They are used to artists being picky about their work, but you have nothing to show them." He sighed loudly and continued, "Look, I was your friend long before I ever became your manager. I've known you a long time and I have never seen you stuck like this."

I started my reply haltingly, "I – I've felt..." I looked down trying to gather and organize my words. "What I mean is that...I've been uninspired for a while."

"Well, yeah. I guess it's hard to get back into it after what you experienced a few weeks ago," he responded.

"No. I mean I've been unproductive pretty much for the last year." I said in a defeated voice.

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