i swore to god i was going to change, and this is it.

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The sun was setting 

As you were leaving.

The night grew cold

I got no sleep. 

I do not blame you anymore.

I let the alcohol drain from the body

I let the chaos in my mind lay to rest.

I let the fire in my body extinguish 

I let the liars and the lovers disappear from my brain.

I let my soul travel back into my body, in it's home.

We will not go out at 4am to find you anymore

I let the soulmates become enemies.

I let the ones who have left be forgotten,

And I am teaching myself to survive without someone in love with me.

I am letting the ones about you be anonymous,

I know I am toxic but I am still learning.

I am not beating my head up against brick walls to compare the pain anymore. 

This book is one of the firsts, but this is the end of an era. I am letting all of the heartbreak my mind has gone through in the last year, which is in this book, be done with. I will be making another one, but there will be new experiences, new heartbreak, new lovers. Maybe we'll see what my mind goes through when I go into the process of falling in love, heh. 

Thank you. 

I swore to god I was going to change, and this is it.Where stories live. Discover now