Creatures of the dark - Ramsay x Reader

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Ramsay paced his rooms, the woman had been in the dungeon for months, she had neither slept nor eaten; all his attempts at torturing her had failed. He had thrown her in with the hounds only to see them cower away from her whimpering and crying.

The guards had reported strange noises at night in the dungeons, screams of the other prisoners, dead bodies found in the morning. And the one constant, the one that seemed to be at the root of it all the chaos was the pale young woman that sat in the dark of his dungeon.

"WELL? YOU'RE ADVISORS, ADVISE!" Ramsay screamed at the men that seemed to be cowering under his gaze.

"Well my lord, we have never seen anything like her. We feel that it may aid us if we knew a little more about her, maybe try something different. As torture is not working and being down in the dungeons doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort maybe it would be best to try another way." One of the advisors told him.

An evil grin came to Ramsay's lips. "Very well, we will try something different, if I cannot get what I want with the threat of pain and death, maybe I should show her my sweet, sensitive side." Ramsay chuckled.

"Have the woman brought up from the dungeon, have her washed and dressed and brought to me." He ordered a guard.

"One way or another I will discover this woman's secret."


The guards cautiously opened the door to the cell that housed the woman, they had heard and seen too many strange things down in the dungeon to proceed with anything but the utmost care.

She winced a little as light flooded into the room, but for once she was actually glad to see it. She was normally quite happy in the dark, happy with a life in the shadows; but now the touch of the rays of the sun actually felt comforting.

She could smell the fear that radiated off the guards as the door swung open completely, causing a small smile to form on her lips. She did always find the odour of human fear quite delectable, and strangely arousing; it was unlike anything else and it fed a certain part of her dark soul.

"Lord Ramsay has ordered that you be brought before him." One of the guards told her hesitantly, staring at the pale woman. 

"What? No torture today, I am disappointed. Has Lord Ramsay lost his nerve so easily? I expected better from a man with a reputation such as his." She said with a small chuckle, as the guards pulled her to her feet and unlocked her shackles. Both guards drew their swords and forced her from the cell and out of the dungeon.

Pushing the woman up through the castle, they were greeted by a number of maids waiting to bathe and dress the woman in preparation for her meeting with the lord.

An hour later and the guards returned to the room to find the door slightly ajar. The maids had been warned to keep the chamber locked so that the woman didn't escape, it wasn't just the fear of what Ramsay would do to them if she had escaped, but also the fear of what the strange woman could do. Pushing open the door they found the woman sitting quietly, a body on the floor next to her, and the rest of the maids huddled into a corner, holding onto one another, tears rolling down their cheeks as they trembled.

The guards couldn't help but stare at the woman as she sat on the chair in front of the large mirror. She was dressed in a scarlet and gold gown that left her shoulders bare, her long black hair braided down her back. Her pale skin was perfect, completely flawless, not a mark or a blemish could be seen.

She turned to face the guards. "Ah, the dogs have come to take me to their master." She hissed out as she stood up from the chair, stepping over the girl's body that lay next to her.

"You stay there, I might want one of you later." She ordered the cowering woman, as she stood in front of the guards.

"Well? Are you going to take me to the Bastard of Dreadfort, or are you going to spend the night leering?" She asked the stunned men, who quickly shifted their eyes from her body to the body on the floor.

The woman smirked. "She had an accident." She said, explaining away the lifeless creature, prostate on the floor. 


Ramsay waited impatiently in the hall; how long could it take for this creature to get ready? His anger was beginning to grow but he knew that that would not work on the woman; he had tried everything he normally would without success, now he had to try and woo the woman to find out her secrets.

The doors to the hall opened and in walked the woman, Ramsay's jaw dropped as he she drew closer, of all the times he had seen her, he had never truly noticed her until now. She was beautiful, more beautiful than anything he had ever seen; the aura around her was wonderfully dark and spoke to his own demons.

Ramsay could feel his blood chill as she stood in front of him. "Why did you call me here Ramsay?"

He was that enamoured of the woman that he had not heard the contempt in her voice as she addressed him, his eyes too busy roaming her body, taking in every supple curve and dip.

"Milady, I believed that it was time that you and I should get to know one another better. I believe that we may have more in common than I thought, and to waste such beauty any longer in the dungeons would be doing us all a disservice."

Ramsay looked over at the guards that still stood near the woman, but as he tried to dismiss them, they simply stayed, not moving. His anger grew with the man until he looked at the smile on the woman's face.

"I'm afraid they don't belong to you anymore Ramsay, these dogs now have a different master." She said, before turning to the guards and dismissing them.

"How did you do that?" Ramsay asked, with an intrigued look in his eyes as he led her to a table already covered in food for what looked like a feast.

"Don't you know that all ladies have their secrets Ramsay? I just happen to have more than most." She told him, as she sat down at the table and looked at the mountain of food.

"Does the feast not please you milady?" Ramsay asked as he helped himself to the food.

"It is not that it does not please me, it is just that I do not partake of such sustenance." She said, as her nose turned away from the odour of the food.

If Ramsay wasn't intrigued before, he would be now. "So, what is your sustenance?" Ramsay asked, feeling a sense of excitement grow within him as he waited for her answer.

"Call one of your servants, and I will show you."

Ramsay instantly called out, and a young man came into the chamber, bowing to the lord. The woman called him to her, Ramsay watching as the young man walked towards her, seemingly under some spell.

She placed her hand under the man's chin, pulling his face towards hers. "Well hello pretty one, don't you smell so sweet? You are quite intoxicating. Now Ramsay here wishes to know how I sustain myself, would you help me to show him?" The man simply nodded, his eyes never leaving hers, a strangely happy smile on his face.

Before he could think, Ramsay watched as a pair of long teeth grew from her jaw, before she sank them into the neck of the man. Ramsay couldn't help but feel a strange sense of arousal as he watched the young man desperately cling to the woman as the light left his eyes, in a matter of moments his body fell to the floor, lifeless and drained, the woman cleaning the remnants of the blood from her chin.

"W-w-w-what are you?" Ramsay stuttered out as the woman stalked towards him, her elongated teeth shining in the candlelight.

"I have been waiting for you to release me from that cage, I have bided my time so that this moment would come, and now you are mine Ramsay, I am known as Vampir, but you will call me mistress."

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