Playtime - Robb x Jon x Theon x Reader

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Apologises for my lack of updates over the past week; but I am back with a vengeance, and hopefully this naughty little imagine makes up for my absence. 😈🐺🐙❤️

"Are you sure (Y/n) is coming back? I mean, of all places Ned has to send her, he sends her to Dorne. It might as well be the end of the world. And why would he send her to meet with the Martell's anyway?" Theon complained as he, Robb and Jon sat in the bathhouse.

"Father said that she should be back anytime soon, and he sent (Y/n) down there to impress the Martell's, to show them that an alliance with House Stark could serve both the north and Dorne. You know how persuasive (Y/n) can be, how she can turn a man's head with just a smile, and from what I have heard, I am sure that if nothing else she would have turned Oberyn's head." Robb chuckled, as both Theon and Jon turned to stare at him

"You don't think she would........ I mean, not with someone else, not a Martell. She wouldn't marry someone would she, without telling us?" Jon asked nervously, as Robb stopped chuckling and all three men sat contemplating a possible future without (Y/n).

"No. You know (Y/n), she would never leave us, she loves us; and if she were to marry anyone I am sure that she would persuade father to let her marry Theon so that the four of us could stay together." Robb said, trying to reassure the other two men as much as he was himself.

"Well it would have to be me." Theon said smugly, as he grinned at the others.

"She isn't my sister for a start, and Ned would go mad if he ever found out what you two and (Y/n) get up to." Theon chuckled, as he leaned against the wall, Jon and Robb staring at him in disbelief.

"What we get up to? Last time I checked, you were just as involved in playtime as we are, or aren't you interested in being with (Y/n) when she gets back?" Jon asked with a huff, annoyed at the man that he had never really got along with, especially when he was being such a smug bastard.

"I didn't say that. (Y/n) loves me just as much as she loves you, probably even more. I don't know what she sees in you anyway." Theon growled, as he and Jon stood toe to toe, glaring at one another.

"Will you two stop, we all know (Y/n) loves me the most." Robb declared, as he pushed himself between the two waring rivals.

"You? Ha! This is ridiculous, we will just ask her when she gets back; and I am sure that she will say that she loves me the most." Theon stated, as he ignored the two brothers and slipped into the hot water.

Playtime had started off innocently enough when (Y/n), Robb, Jon and Theon were children; playtime had been just that, a time when the four would hide in the great castle or chase one another through the halls enjoying one another's company. (Y/n) had always been one of the boys, learning to fight with them, washing with them, the four sleeping together in the same bed at night like it was the most natural thing in the world. But as (Y/n) got older, her womanly curves developing at the same time as the three boys began to notice them, playtime had slowly got more and more intimate, Robb, Jon and Theon finding any excuse to push and grind themselves up against (Y/n) as they fought, or helping (Y/n) wash in the bathhouse after their session in the training ring, the three young men fighting to be the ones that got to sleep by her sides at night.

Then one night everything had changed, playtime had become their time, the three men finding themselves under the spell of the dark haired beauty as she loved them all, their bodies losing themselves in hers as they gave into forbidden ecstasy, gave in to the woman that wanted nothing more than the three men that she had loved all her life.

"Anyway, once she gets back, I am sure that (Y/n) will want all of us just as much as we want her." Jon said, trying to sound diplomatic despite the fact that he hoped that (Y/n) had missed him the most.


(Y/n) walked through the halls of Winterfell, happy that she was finally home, always preferring the cold of the north to the heat of Dorne.

Her time in Sunspear had proved successful, and she had to admit that she had enjoyed the advances of the very handsome Oberyn; but no matter what he did or what he offered, even the dark beauty of the charming Red Viper could do nothing to dissuade her from returning home, from returning to the three men she had missed so much, every inch of her body craving to feel their touch, to feel them inside her.

"Where are my brothers, and Theon?" (Y/n) asked the handmaiden as she helped the she wolf off with her large heavy coat of furs, (Y/n) shivering as the familiar cool air kissed her warm flesh.

"I think that they are in the bathhouse me lady." The young woman informed her, (Y/n) smiling at the idea that all three of her lovers were already naked and wet.

"Good. I must go and greet them; I have missed my brothers and Theon a great deal during my time away." (Y/n) said innocently, despite her every intention being anything but innocent.

Hastily she made her way to where the three men were hopefully still as naked as the day they were born, (Y/n)'s mind racing at the idea of Robb burying himself deep inside her as she took Jon in her mouth, and pleasured Theon with her hand. It had seemed like a lifetime since she had had seen the three, since she had had her desires for the three men's bodies sated; but now nothing was going to get in her way, and she just hoped that their time apart had not lessened their desire for her.

(Y/n) drew up outside the bathhouse, chuckling as she listened to the three men argue about who she loved most, about who she wanted the most and what they all wanted to do to her when she got home.

As quietly as she could, (Y/n) pushed her way into the bathhouse, trying to conceal herself as she watched the three men bathe and continue their verbal battle over who she would want first. Slowly undressing, (Y/n) couldn't take her eyes off their lean beautiful bodies as they washed off the dirt of the day, her body shaking and shivering as she thought of what was to come.

"Is there room in there for one more?" (Y/n) asked, smiling as all three men spun around, growing wide eyed as they saw the naked form of the woman they had been arguing over, walk towards them.

"How is it possible that you have got more beautiful, (Y/n)?" Robb asked, as he helped her into the bath, his hands brushing over her curves as she settled into the water by his side, the heir to Winterfell smiling broadly, as he heard her moan softy.

"The sun of Dorne appears to have agreed with you, love. But I am glad that you are back with us." Theon cooed, as he slid himself between (Y/n)'s legs, ignoring the scowls of the other two who noticed that she had wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

"And I am glad to be back too. I have missed all of you so much, I have missed playtime, and I was hoping that we could make up for lost time, right here, right now." (Y/n) hummed seductively, a mischievous glint in her eye as she pulled Jon to her other side, her lips kissing his neck as her hands fell below the surface of the water so that she could take her brothers hardening cocks in her hands as Theon pushed his hips up against hers, all three men shuddering and groaning at (Y/n)'s touch.

"Well, it looks like you three have missed me too, so why don't I show you all one or two tricks that I picked up during my time with the Dornish." (Y/n) chuckled, as Robb and Jon kissed her shoulders and breasts, (Y/n) rhythmically stroking their cocks as Theon pushed himself into her warm wanton flesh, smiling as she moaned in delight at the feel of each of the bodies that she had missed so much.

In the eyes of the family and the gods, playtime maybe sinful; but to the four that were now back together, it was a sin that they were more than happy to commit.

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