Love out of time - Part 4 - Petyr x Reader

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I hope you enjoy the last part of this imagine 😄.

As (Y/n) turned to face the lord, she still couldn't believe that she could be looking at a man that she had known and loved in another life, and of all people, of all the men in the Seven Kingdoms, in all the world, why did it have to be him.

"You know me don't you, please tell me you know me. You have been having the dreams, too haven't you?" Petyr begged to know, taking (Y/n) by the arms and holding her tight, his grip almost too tight to bear.

"Yes, I have been having the dreams as well. And believe me Lord Baelish when I say that I know you in more ways than one." (Y/n) replied harshly, as she finally pulled away from his hands, doing her best to control the multitude of emotions that she felt inside as she moved away from him. There was part of her that wanted to rush into his arms, to tell him that she loved him, that she had missed him, but the whole idea seemed quite ridiculous. She had never met this man before, so how could she feel so strongly for him. How could she love him so much?

She knew of Baelish from her parents, both of them giving her very different views of the Master of Coin. Her mother had told her about him in a way that suggested that she still had a quite a high opinion of the man that was not only part of the small council for the King, but also a whoremonger. Her father on the other hand had never had a good word to say about Baelish, which had shocked (Y/n). Her father was a fine man, that (Y/n) was sure always tried to see the good in everyone, but that could definitely not be said for the man that was now watching her every move.

"I have heard all about you Lord Baelish. You see people talk, especially when a pretty woman is sitting nearby and paying them attention, even more if a little wine is flowing through their veins; but of course, that is something that you know all about. I have heard all the hushed rumours and conversations, all the opinions of your business and role as the Master of Coin. And I listen to everything Lord Baelish, every little thing that goes on around me, because you never know when something might just come in handy; particularly when you are coming to this forsaken place." (Y/n) told him, as she turned to look back at him, a cruelty in her tone that she was not sure she meant.

"You are right, my lady. That is indeed what I am, who I am, and what I do; but if you are the one that listens to conversations in the dark, that pays attention to people, and flutters her eyelashes so they will tell you their deepest darkest secrets, then maybe we are not so dissimilar you and I." Petyr replied with equal vitriol, rubbing his cheek as (Y/n) slapped him hard.

Before (Y/n) could say or move, Petyr had pushed her firmly up against a wall, his arms caging her, as his body pressed up against hers.

"Tell me that you don't love me, that you haven't dreamed of my face every night as I have of yours. Tell me that you haven't seen my form before you in your waking hours and longed for me as you lay in your lonely bed. Tell me you don't remember all the nights we spent in each other's arms, how we promised to love no one but each other. If you can look me in the eye and tell me that, then I will leave you to your captain." Petyr hissed, as his hands gripped (Y/n)'s wrists and pinned her arms above her head.

"I heard him tell you that he loved you. I heard him say that he wanted what was mine. So, tell me you don't love me, that you want me to leave. If you can." Petyr shouted as (Y/n) began to struggle again his body.


"I CAN'T. BECAUSE IF I DID IT WOULD ALL BE A LIE!" (Y/n) exclaimed loudly, as Petyr finally let her go, (Y/n) falling to her knees as she gasped for air, tears running down her cheeks.

"I have thought of nothing but you, breathed nothing but you, loved nothing but you in my every waking and sleeping moment since this began. I see your face everywhere I go and in everything I look upon. I hear your voice on the wind, and in my mind, calling me to you. I have feared that you would remain only in my visions, yet here you are, and I can't tell you that I don't love you because I would be denying myself what I want more than anything, what I promised to love in this world and the next." (Y/n) declared, her legs turning weak as Petyr pulled her from the floor and into his arms.

Petyr would never have believed anything like this was possible, that this could be the reason that he had lost Catelyn so that the woman he truly loved could be born. Yet here she was in his arms, her breath softly fanning against his skin as he held her tightly.

"I died for you once because I couldn't live without you. I stood against my father once because I didn't want to be someone else's. And if I have to do all that again I will do, as I have no intention of losing you now that I have you back with me." (Y/n) said softly, Petyr combing his finger through her hair, as their lips finally met in a first passionate kiss after so many lifetimes apart.

As the pair continued to hold one another close, Petyr whispering a lovers promises into (Y/n)'s ear, the door to her chambers flew open, Ned's eyes growing wide as he saw his beloved child in the arms of the whoremonger, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword as Petyr stepped in front of (Y/n).

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER. TRUST A MAN LIKE YOU TO PRAY ON A WOMAN WHEN SHE IS AT HER MOST VULNERABLE. IF YOU HAVE HARMED MY DAUGHTER IN ANY WAY IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER DO." Ned roared, pulling his sword from its sheath as Jory came up behind his lord and imitated his actions, Ned lunging towards Baelish, stopping his attack just in time as (Y/n) stepped in front of the man she loved.

"STOP. PLEASE." (Y/n) beseeched her father, as she shielded Petyr behind her.

"He is the man from my dreams, father. The man I have been waiting for, searching for. I don't want to die again, but if that is the only way to keep Petyr with me, then so be it." (Y/n) declared, as Petyr took her hand and faced Ned.

"I know you will not believe me, Stark. But I swear that I will never harm (Y/n). I will love and honour her for the rest of my days if you let us stay together." Petyr told the angry father, Ned dropping his sword to his side as he looked into the eyes of his oldest daughter.

"Are you sure that this is what you want? Are you sure that you want him?" Ned asked, holding back Jory as he growled at Petyr.

"I am sure father. Please. Please don't make me leave him." (Y/n) said, rushing into her father's arms as Ned reluctantly nodded, holding onto (Y/n) as he glared at Petyr.

"If you hurt or use my daughter in any way Baelish, I will make you regret it." Ned told the Master of Coin, as he kissed (Y/n) on the forehead before turning to leave, dragging Jory behind him.

"I will love you in this world and the next, and for all my lives to come." Petyr hummed softly, as he pulled (Y/n) back into his arms, the two holding one another tightly.

"In this life and the next, my love." (Y/n) replied, as their lips met again, knowing that this time, nothing could take away their love.

                                                                             >>----- THE END ----<<

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