No ones but mine - Part 2 - Viserys x Reader

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A second part to this imagine for AnushkaGoswami9 and others. I hope you enjoy 🐲😈

Viserys poured himself a glass of wine, a subtle grin forming on his lips as he looked at his sleeping sister in the bed. The night before had been more than he could have ever hoped for. (Y/n) had given him more than he could ever have dreamed of, and despite her initial protests, (Y/n) had finally taken him, the two siblings knowing each other in ways that only lovers would, allowing Viserys to feel confident that she would not be leaving his side.

He had been angry when he overheard what she had told Dany. That she had no intention of being his wife, that she had no intention of following him. That she cared nothing for status or gold, land or title, that all she wanted was to love and be loved. And now Viserys couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the flights of fancy that filled his sister head; the idea of a simple, sweet, pure, and devoted love was not something that Viserys could really contemplate and definitely couldn't understand. To the head of House Targaryen, status, gold, land and title were all that mattered. To be seated on the Iron Throne with Robert Baratheon and his family dead at his feet, his sister by his side with a pure blood heir growing in her belly. And with Khal Drogo's men under his command he would make a triumphant return to Westeros, wiping out any opposition from the bloated sack of flesh that was the rebellious stag.

Viserys smiled as he looked out of the open doors, an early morning breeze ushering in the last of the scent of the night blooming flowers. For once the world looked beautiful, the promise of a greater day, a greater future, rose within him as the new morning sun rose over the walls. Everything he had been planning for, for years was finally coming to fruition. No longer would he be a king without a throne, no longer the beggar king. He would wipe out all memory of the years of begging, the years of struggle on the streets of the Free Cities. Soon a dragon would once again sit on the Iron Throne, and his progeny would rule for a thousand years.

A sudden movement from the bed behind him, alerted him to the fact that (Y/n) was rousing from her slumber, the sheets moving away from her naked body as she slowly turned from her side. Viserys couldn't help but stare at the object of his desires. Dany was beautiful it was true; but (Y/n), well (Y/n) was something more. Not only was she the image of Targaryen perfection, but she was, Viserys had to admit to himself albeit reluctantly, wise beyond her years, brilliant beyond words, and as cunning as any creature that the gods had placed in the world. She had been the one that had kept them safe through all those long years in the wilderness of the Free Cities, when all they had was one another. She would steal food if Dany and he needed to eat, she would pick the purses of rich merchants to scrape together a few coins so that she could find a safe place for them to sleep, and once she had even killed a man that had tried to take him and Dany away. Viserys had called out in fear as the two of them had been grabbed, (Y/n) kicking, screaming, and biting at the would be kidnapper until he had released Viserys, the man himself screaming as he found a knife thrust into his guts, blood covering (Y/n) as she continued to drive her small blade into the man until he and Dany fell to the floor.

Viserys knew that (Y/n) had always hated what she had done, that she always prayed to the Seven for forgiveness for taking the man's life, always wished that there could have been another way; but to Viserys, it had been the moment that (Y/n) had proved that she was a true dragon, as strong and brave as Rhaegar, as ruthless as their father, and loyal to no one be he and Dany.

As (Y/n) had turned to face Viserys, the young girl covered in the blood of the fallen man, he could remember thinking that he had seen the true personification of fire and blood, his very own protector, the sigil of their House come to life, her heavy laboured breaths appearing to the young man as fire from the three headed dragons mouths. From that moment he knew that he had to have her, that no one but she would be good enough to bare, and continue the line of House Targaryen, that all others could, and would, be used and disposed of in his attempt to reclaim what was rightfully his; but (Y/n), (Y/n) would stay be his side no matter what, and he would never let anyone or anything take her away from him.

(Y/n) murmured softly, her sweet moan reminding Viserys of the sounds that had filled the room not long before. The memory of her sweat soaked body gripping tightly to his as he thrust into her over and over again. The memory of skin against skin, of lips colliding, and teeth biting into soft flesh. Of the sound of his name being screamed out, as (Y/n) and he came undone, his seed spilling into her as they both reached the peak of ecstasy. (Y/n)'s fingernails tearing at the muscles on his back as he had cried out.

Slowly his hand moved down to his ever hardening cock, his fingers gently caressing the engorged organ. He needed (Y/n) more now than he had done the night before. He needed to feel himself sheathed once again in her flesh, her warm wet wanton flesh that felt as though it had been made just for him. He needed to brush his tongue over her beautiful, rounded breasts, to take her hardened nipples between his teeth, to bite ever so gently as (Y/n) writhed underneath him. He needed her to lick and suck, to bite and claw, to scream and cry, to beg for him not to stop as she had done that night. She had driven him insane with lust and desire, she had enchanted him, bewitched him, and even though he wanted to believe that he was the one with the power, that he was the one in control, deep down he knew that it was (Y/n) that held his life, his very soul, in the palm of her hand. He was her slave, her plaything, and he would do and give her anything that her heart desired, as long as she would never leave him.

Quietly he moved to the bed, his hand carefully moving the rest of the sheet from her body so that he could take in the full splendour of her form, her pale and perfect form.

Calmy, he picked up his small knife from the table by the side of the bed, Viserys pricking the end of his finger with the point of the blade and watching was glee as the drops of scarlet liquid fell between (Y/n) breasts. Once again, she was before him, his dragon of fire and blood, his protector, his sister, his wife, the only one that he could say that he cared more for than himself.

"What are you doing, Viserys?" (Y/n) asked quietly, her eyes looking between his face and the smear of crimson that was slowly drying on her warm flesh.

"I had to see it one more time, to see you one more time like this. To see the dragon. To see the fire and blood." Viserys replied, as he crawled onto the bed and rested his head on (Y/n)'s stomach. (Y/n) breath hitching in her throat as she felt his fingers gently caress her skin.

"Tell me you won't leave me, that you will journey with me to Westeros, that you will be by my side when I take back the Iron Throne?" Viserys asked, his bravado from earlier diminishing as a sudden feeling of terror gripped his soul.

Gently (Y/n) combed her fingers through her brother's hair. The feel of his naked form against hers, breaking down her want to leave. What she had said to Dany had all been true, that she wanted something else, something more, something that was hers and just hers. But she knew now that she could no longer fight what she was. She couldn't fight the gods or her ancestors. She was a Targaryen, fire and blood. The protector, the three headed dragon, and she knew that there was no other way. That not even she could hope to defeat her instincts.

"I will never leave you Viserys. You and I will take on the might of the rebel and his lion protectors, together. I will stand by your side as you sit on the Iron Throne, and I will give you heirs that will rule for a thousand years. Now, brother. Love me." (Y/n) replied, Viserys smiling up at her as he took her in his arms and kissed his queen. 

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