Dragons and Krakens - Part 3 - Euron x Reader

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Euron smiled smugly to himself as he climbed into his saddle behind a disgruntled (Y/n). His arms wrapping themselves tightly around her waist, as he took hold of the reins.

"You made the right choice, my lady. I would have hated to have seen you being dragged unceremoniously through the streets of Lordsport. Or maybe the truth is, that underneath all that disdain, you actually like the idea of being this close to me." Euron chuckled, as (Y/n) turned to look at him. A brighter fire in her eyes than any he had previously seen.

"You arrogant, conceited, egotistical arse! I assure you that under this disdain is just more disdain, and there will never be anything else. And I advise you that when we make it to Castle Pyke, that you take a good long look in the mirror. Because from where I am sitting it might have actually been more preferable to spend the journey looking at the horse's backside than your face. And it would probably have smelt better too." (Y/n) huffed, as all of a sudden Euron pulled his horse to a stop.

"If you think for one second that all this bile and venom of yours is going to put me off you (Y/n), you are very wrong. If one of those horse fucking Dothraki can tame a dragon, then I am more than sure that an Ironborn can. And I can assure you, that I am just the Ironborn to do it." Euron growled, as he gripped (Y/n) chin tightly in his hand.

"You have two choices, my lady. You can either become the slave of the lions. Your head ending up on a spike high above the Red Keep when Cersei has finished having her fun with you. Or you can become the lover of the Kraken. The choice is yours. But I can guarantee you that the second option will be far more pleasurable." Euron continued, as his hand slowly moved up to caress the soft skin of her cheek. His other hand pulling her closer as the pair stared into each other's eyes.

(Y/n) contemplated her choices. Slave or whore. Neither of the options would be her first choice. But the idea of having to kowtow to the whore of Robert Baratheon, and the man that had killed her grandfather, filled her with disgust. She would rather die by her own hand than suffer the indignity of being the mouse to the Lannister twin's cat. A dragon would never lay down before a lion as long as (Y/n) was alive. But a whore. Would that be any better? She had watched her sister be sold by their own brother to Khal Drogo in return for the promise of men to help take back the Iron Throne. Yet what had come of that? Viserys was dead, and the Iron Throne still in the clutches of the Baratheon Lannisters. The only reason that it had Dany instead of her was that Viserys had always looked her, always feared her. Now here she was, just like her sister, left with no other choice.

As she continued to look at Euron, (Y/n) had to reluctantly admit, that despite what she had said about his horse's backside looking better than he did, there was a certain something about the well-formed kraken that was easy on the eye. And even though she knew of his not so stellar reputation, there was an attractive wicked sparkle in his eyes that made (Y/n) want to smile in spite of herself. And maybe, as he had said earlier, dragons and krakens weren't so dissimilar.

"Well, my lady. What is your choice? One way will mean that you ride in comfort to your new home, wrapped safely in my arms. The other way, you will get what you asked for, and will spend the journey watching my horse's arse." Euron said, as he softly kissed the delicate skin of (Y/n)'s swan like neck.

"It would appear, my lord, that you and I will be getting to know one another better in the time to come." (Y/n) whispered in Euron's ear. The dragon feeling herself shudder as the kraken's teeth bit into her flesh.

"You have made the right choice, (Y/n). It would have been such a shame to see you in rags. Chained up in a stinking cell. Now, when you are clothed, it will be in the finest furs and jewels that I have to offer." Euron replied seductively. The lord of the Salt Throne ignoring those around them, as his hand slowly moved under (Y/n) skirt. (Y/n) gasping as Euron's rough fingers brushed over her womanhood.

"It would appear that you are already more than willing to enter into your new life, (Y/n)." Euron cooed. The kraken chuckling, as (Y/n) gripped tightly to his arm. The feel of his fingers inside her sending her mind reeling.

"Now, even though I have now aversion to taking you right here and now in front of everyone. I think that my lady deserves better. I am sure that we can both wait until we get the Castle Pyke to cement out new alliance." Euron said, as a shaky (Y/n) leant against him. The Lord Reaper of Pyke geeing on his horse as he and the dragon made their way up to the bleak castle.


Euron reached up his arms, helping (Y/n) down from the saddle. Wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her close.

"Welcome to your new home, my lady." Euron said, as he watched (Y/n) take in the imposing structure.

She couldn't help but compare the castle unfavourably to Pentos and the manse of Magister Mopatis. Pentos was rich, beautiful and lush, with warm breezes and the sweet smell of flowers that drifted on the night air into her room. But this, this castle was grim and dark. The towers standing precariously on stone pillars that looked onto the crashing waves below. The winds were cold and cut (Y/n) to the bone, and not a single hint of colour or beauty could be seen.

"Give it time. You will learn to appreciate it, my lady." Euron assured, as he saw the look of disdain in her eyes.

"Come. I think that you and I have an alliance to cement." Euron continued, as he picked (Y/n) up into his arms and pushed his way inside the keep.

(Y/n) couldn't help but fail to notice that the interior of the structure was no less foreboding than the exterior. Its only redeeming feature being a large roaring fire, that at least made the inside feel slightly warmer.

Euron kicked open his chamber door, placing (Y/n) gently down onto the bed.

"Are you still as ready for me as you were before, (Y/n)? Or was it the thought of me taking you then and there that excited you so much?" Euron chuckled, as he looked down at her. His hands making light work of his coat and shirt as he threw them to the floor.

"If not, I am sure that I could think of a few more things to excite you." Euron said, as he crawled onto the bed. His hands pushing (Y/n)'s gown high above her waist. Her legs moving apart as Euron settled in between them.

"This is how a kraken tames a dragon." Euron growled as he thrust himself inside her. His brows furrowing as (Y/n) began to laugh.

"No, my lord. This is how a dragon tames a kraken!" (Y/n) declared, as she pushed Euron onto his back, and climbed onto him. The son of the sea wind groaning loudly (Y/n) removed her gown, and slowly and steadily began to take him.  

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