In the mirror - Part 3 - Tyrion x Reader

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True to his promise to the lady, as soon as Tyrion had risen the next morning, he had made his way to the library, spending the whole day under piles of ancient manuscripts and twisted vellum, in a desperate attempt to try and locate anything that may assist him to free the princess; but that original oath had been many moons ago now, and much to his chagrin, Tyrion was yet to fulfill his pledge to the princess.

"It doesn't matter Tyrion. Please do not fret so. I have been a prisoner for so long that I may not be meant for your world. If you were able to help me break the curse, what would I have to my name? In my time I was the princess of the greatest of houses. I had my family; I was to be married. I had the whole world opening up to me; but if I escape these confines, I would have nothing." (Y/n) explained, trying her best to reassure the little lion.

"But you would have me, (Y/n). You will always have me. Do not think that for one moment I will stop the search." Tyrion told (Y/n), as he rubbed his tired eyes and pulled up his chair next to the mirror so that he and the princess could talk better.

This had become their routine now. Every day Tyrion would spend the daylight hours in the library, searching the darkest undisturbed corners for the oldest tomes in his ongoing quest. At night he would return, tired, to his rooms to inform (Y/n) of his progress, the mere sight of her instantly bringing him back to life, as he dragged his chair over to the mirror so that the two could spend the night talking.

Tyrion had to admit that he had grown to love their time together, had grown to love (Y/n), and now no longer wanted to free his princess just to free her, but also in hopes that if she did return to the real world, then he and (Y/n) may be able to be together, although deep down he doubted it. There was part of him, that hoped that if he did find a way to free (Y/n), then he might too find a spell that could turn him into someone that she could love, a spell that could make him as tall, strong and handsome as his brother; but he knew that that was probably an impossibility.

"Tyrion. What are thinking about, you look unhappy?" (Y/n) asked, concern evident in her voice as she brought Tyrion back from his thoughts.

"Nothing (Y/n), I assure you. I am just angry at myself that I have not been able to do more. I feel as though I have let you down." Tyrion replied, sadness filling him as he thought about the fact that the only way he would ever be close to (Y/n) was just as he was now, sitting in front of her prison, unable to touch her, unable to confess how he had begun to feel. He knew that everyday (Y/n) would watch as he got older and older, and he would have to watch her stay young, tortured by the image of perfection that he could never truly be with. When he had first realised this now all to possible fate, he had considered covering the mirror, wrapping it tightly, and leaving it in the highest tower of the Red Keep just so that he didn't have to look at her unobtainable beauty day in and day out; but he knew that he couldn't do that. (Y/n) needed him, he had promised her, and despite knowing that he might never have her, he could now not be without her.

"Tyrion. You haven't let me down at all. Simply being seen by you makes me feel free. Being able to speak with you, to know that I am no longer alone, is more important to me than you will ever know. You are the only person that has ever been able to see me, not even my father or my betrothed were able to do that. Doesn't that tell you something? I think it must be true what that old man told you, that the mirror chose you for some reason.  And I have not lose faith in you Tyrion, I know that you will do as you promised." (Y/n) tried to reassure, as she smiled sweetly at the little man, Tyrion's heart pounding violently even at the tiny gesture.

"Thank you, (Y/n). Now, why don't you tell me more about your world?" Tyrion chuckled, as he sat back, eagerly listening as (Y/n) continued to acquaint him with the wonders of her time.

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