Music Soothes the Savage Beast - Sandor x Reader

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Sandor was known for many things; for his scar and his large and formidable size, for being one of the most skilled and dangerous men in Westeros. For his violence, his aggression, for his fatalistic view of the world, and for his fierce demeanour; but what no one had ever really seen was his affectionate and compassionate side. A side that most of the time he kept well hidden under a growl, and a sneer, that would scare away anyone that would try and get close.

For the most part he was happy with his reputation, happy that he was feared; he had no need for anyone to care for him, had no need for a woman in his life, if he wanted a woman he would just go to one of the brothels in Kings landing and pay for what he wanted. He knew that no honest woman would want him, he knew that no one would ever love him, and he himself doubted that he could care for a woman in that way; but much to his own amazement he had found that change when he met her.

As Sandor stormed through the corridors of the Red Keep, everyone scurrying out of the way of the large man, he heard something that he had never heard before; a melodious voice drifting in the air, caressing his senses like a lover's fingers gently brushing over his skin. Following the angelic sound, he found his way to the gardens, his eyes widening when he saw a woman dressed in brightly coloured clothes, a large hat with a rolled brim that covered a head of flowing black hair, and a coat with long tails that brushed the floor.

He watched with interest from the shadows, as the woman sang and danced around the garden, obviously oblivious to the fact that anyone was watching. Sandor was aware that King Robert had hired a group of travelling troubadours to perform for his guests at a celebration that would be happening in the next few days; but he was amazed to find one of them wandering the grounds of the Keep without an escort or guard.

Sandor looked on in surprise as the king suddenly appeared, greeting the woman like an old friend; try as he may, he couldn't help but listen to the conversation of the unusual looking pair.

"Your Highness, it is so good to see you again." The woman said, bowing dramatically before the king. Robert chuckling at her exaggerated gesture.

"My dear lady, I did not believe it when I was told that you were with the travelling group; but I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised, you always were a performer, even as a child." Robert replied, taking the woman's hand and escorting her to a nearby seat.

"Now, my dear, you must tell me how your father is, it has been too long since I have seen him." Robert told her, kissing the woman's hand as he listened as she spoke.

Sandor remained in his spot, transfixed by the beautiful woman that was sitting with the king, her smile making his tough heart, beat quicker than he ever thought it could. As he secretly listened to the conversation, he found out that the unusual looking woman was called (Y/n), and was in fact the daughter of a lord that had fought by Robert's side on a number of occasions; he found out that she was the main artist in the troupe, a singer, dancer, and player of musical instruments, and that she and the others had already created a special performance for Robert and his illustrious guests.

For once Sandor found that he actually wanted to go to one of these stupid things; even though he was always invited to attend celebrations, he would usually stay away, preferring to drink the night away in his chambers. He hated songs about courtly love, or other silly love songs; he couldn't dance, and even if he could, it wasn't as if he had a woman to take with him, but as he continued to watch the pair, he actually found himself looking forward to the night.

"I should get someone to safely escort you back to the rest of your troupe." Robert said eventually, rising to his feet, and offering (Y/n) his hand. Sandor looking around and trying to work out a way that he could make it appear as if he had just arrived. Sure, that he had to get to know this woman better by any means possible.

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