Huntress - Robb x Reader

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This is the start of a two part imagine for iLovebooks4050. Sorry its taken a little time, but I hope you will all enjoy 😊

The arrow flew through the air, the silent projectile hitting its target dead on. The animal falling to the floor as the last breath of life left its body.

"Perfect (Y/n)!" Her father, Lartel, exclaimed as he picked her up and placed her onto his shoulders.

"First hunt first kill, and straight through the heart. I swear child that you must have been gifted by the gods." He chuckled, as the two made their way over to the animal, the man happy that the two of them would be eating well for some time.

Ever since her mother had died, Lartel had not known what to do with the little girl. There had always been something different about her, something her mother had called a gift, and from the first moment she had picked up a bow, Lartel had known he had found what it was.

"Now remember, we have ta make sure that we use every part. Tha gods gave us tha animal, the least we can do is respect it in death." Lartel said, as he dropped his little girl by the creature's side, (Y/n) combing her fingers through the fur of the still warm animal.

"First things first." Lartel told her, dipping his fingers in the blood of the animal, before smearing it on her cheeks.

"Only a true huntress gets the honour of being blooded." The large man told her, (Y/n) scrunching up her nose as the smell of the blood hit her senses.

"Don't worry child, you'll get used ta tha smell. By the time ya of age, tha smell of blood will be as sweet to ya as any honey." Lartel told her, as he heaved the stag over his shoulder, and started back towards the small building that they called home. (Y/n) running to keep up with the long strides of her father.

Lartel and (Y/n) lived out in the wilds away from all others, halfway between the northern mountains and Winterfell, there home surrounded by great woods and mountain meadows. (Y/n)'s mother had been part of one of the northern clans, her father originally from Wolfswood, and she, well she was always told that she was from the middle of nowhere. Both of her parents had been gifted hunters, choosing to live in a location that would best allow them to sell their quarry to the great houses of Winterfell, Dreadfort, Last Hearth, when it hadn't been abandoned, and Deepwood Motte; but that had been some time ago now, and with the death of (Y/n)'s mother, and her father's now failing eye sight, the lives of (Y/n) and Lartel had now become impoverished.

"If ya keep shooting like that child, we will soon be able ta start selling ta tha nobles again. Get some gold so we can make this a nicer place ta live." Lartel said, pushing open the door of the old stone home, (Y/n) rushing over to the small fire to warm herself as her father dropped the stag onto the table.

"You are going to be great (Y/n). The best ever."


Suddenly the door to the small home flew open, a bundle of firs walking in with a large stag slung over its shoulder.

"You got it, (Y/n)." The old man called out, as the bundle of firs dropped the carcass onto the table and pulled the hood from its head. The old man smiling as he saw the face of his beautiful daughter.

Her first hunt had been so many moons ago now, and just as Lartel had predicted she had become the best hunter in the north, rivalling any man or woman that dare come against her.

"Aye. Tha old man didn't want to go down, but it should be exactly what Ned Stark is looking fa." (Y/n) told her father, as she shrugged off her large coat of firs and moving over to the fire to join her father.

"Well, seeing as ya got the old stag, I think that its only right that ya deliver it ta Winterfell yaself." Lartel chuckled as (Y/n) gave out an audible groan.

"You know I don't like going ta the castles. We had a deal, I kill tha animals, and you sell em. I like that arrangement." (Y/n) told her father, happily taking the piping hot bowl of stew from his hands.

"Well this time I want ya ta go. Ned Stark likes ya, and he always gives ya a better price than he does me. And of course, there's tha competition." Lartel began, chuckling as (Y/n) looked up from her meal, the old man knowing that he had piqued his daughter's curiosity.

"Competition? What competition?" (Y/n) asked, sensing that her father was up to something.

"What do ya think Ned Stark needs sa many deer and boar fa? He is holdin an archery contest, tha winner will supposedly be rich from the gold that he's offering. But a course ya wouldn't be interested in finally proving that ya really are tha best." Lartel told her innocently, as he retook his seat right next to the fire.

"I don't need ta prove it ta anyone. Everyone already knows that I'm tha best." (Y/n) scoffed, before pushing another spoonful of stew into her mouth.

"That's true lass, but that's only against other smallfolk. But this competition will include tha nobles. I heard that tha Glover boy will be there, Roose Bolton's bastard, and a course that Greyjoy lad and Ned's bastard....... even Robb Stark himself." Lartel said, a subtle grin forming on his lips as his daughter's eyes once again shot up to look at him.

(Y/n) and Robb Stark had met on a few occasions, the first when they were only small children. Lartel had dragged his daughter to Winterfell to sell the deer and boar that (Y/n) had killed, the proud father boasting to the lord of the north about the skill of his child; but as the two men had completed their transactions and turned to see their offspring, neither could be found. Only sometime later did they find the two children happily together, talking as if they had known one another their whole lives, (Y/n) showing Robb how she would shoot the great animals of the forests. When Lartel and (Y/n) had had to leave, Robb had placed a quick chaste kiss to her cheek before running back into the castle, and from that moment there had been a spark between the heir and the humble huntress, and Lartel knew it.

"I could beat any of them with both arms tied behind me back and blindfolded." (Y/n) sneered, as she dropped the half empty bowl on the floor.

" could be interesting wiping that smug grin off Theon Greyjoy's face. That boy has always been too big for his boots." (Y/n) chuckled, as she thought of what being beaten by a simple woman would do to Theon's inflated ego.


"(Y/n). Such a pleasure to see you again." Ned said from behind her, as she helped the servants from the kitchen carry the deer and boar inside.

"Lord Stark." Replied with a respectful bow, as the lord of the north stood before her.

"I received word that it was you that would be coming. As always your skill with the bow is evident." Ned told her, smiling as he saw the prize that she had kept for last.

"So, you finally got the old man?" Ned asked, as he admired the huge buck. The animal's antlers seeming to fill the entire wagon.

"Aye. I had ta spend three days tracking him; but he finally fell for my charms." (Y/n) chuckled, as seemingly every man from the kitchen's struggled to carry the huge animal inside.

"You never let us down (Y/n)." Ned began, watching as the young woman reached for her bow, and slung it over her shoulder.

"I hope that you are going to stay for the archery contest, (Y/n). Even though I have never witnessed your skills myself, I would very much like to do so." Ned continued, sensing that he was not going to have to twist the huntress's arm too much.

"I am sure that Robb would also like to see you again. It has been sometime that you two saw one another, and he still always talks about you." Ned told her, not failing to notice the smile that had formed on (Y/n)'s face at the mention of his heir.

"If ya are happy to have me, then I will be more than pleased to show all those men what a woman can do with a bow." (Y/n) laughed as Ned offered her his arm and led her inside the great castle.

"Oh, I am sure you will (Y/n). I am sure you will."

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