You two do come as a pair don't you? - Bronn x Tyrion x Reader

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"Are you sure she's coming?" Bronn asked Tyrion, as he looked at the door of the brothel.

"If that is what (Y/n) said in her message, then she will be here." Tyrion assured Bronn, taking another drink from his goblet.

He couldn't help but chuckle at his anxious looking friend, it had been some time since they had seen the woman they were waiting for, and underneath his calm exterior, Tyrion was as anxious as Bronn.

As the young sister of King Robert, their meetings with (Y/n) had always had to be secret, their relationship would have been frowned on if she was not the kings sister, but as she was, the fact that she was not only the lover of a sellsword, but also the Lannister imp would most certainly have caused quite a stir.

It had all begun when Robert had thrown a celebration for his sister's arrival in the capital, as his only sister Robert was proud of his youngest sibling, who was the only one of his kin that he actually cared for. Whereas the three Baratheon brothers never had any real love for one another, their love for their sister was beyond doubt, all three men doting on the dark haired beauty, even the usually severe and stoic Stannis would come alive around the youngest Baratheon.

As the youngest child, (Y/n) seemed to have inherited the best characteristics of each of her brothers; like Renly she was youthful and playful, skilled in politics and had a mastery of words that could rival any bard or poet.

From Stannis she had her strong code of honour, and her sense of justice; and from Robert she had her charisma and her good heart, and like her two older siblings she had proven herself on the battlefield as not only a great fighter but also an excellent strategist.

Her beauty, charm, intelligence, and the fact that she was a Baratheon, had led to many proposals of marriage over the years, yet each had been turned down by one brother or another, always judging that the suitor was not good enough for their beloved sister. Despite this fact, (Y/n) had never let this get in her way of her love for the opposite sex, her liking for the pleasures of the flesh said to rival even those of Oberyn Martell, who himself had been one of her many lovers.

Her upcoming appearance in the capital had led to a lot of talk, especially from the men of court, and that included Tyrion and Bronn.

"Do you believe everything that they are saying about the king's sister?" Bronn asked Tyrion as they sat drinking wine in Tyrion's chambers.

Tyrion looked over the top of his goblet at his friend. "The only things I believe are my own eyes and ears, the rest is merely rumour and conjecture, although I have heard the king speak very highly of her." Tyrion said, as he refilled his glass.

"I'm more interested in er other proclivities." Bronn said with a smirk.

"I've heard that she could even give Varys a hard on." Bronn joked, as Tyrion spat out his wine, gasping for air in between his spluttering laughter.

"There's a lot of talk that she will take a new lover while she is here. Er sexual exploits are legendary in certain circles." Bronn told Tyrion, who couldn't help but chuckle.

"And are you hoping that she might pick you Bronn?" Tyrion asked, smirking at the confident looking sellsword.

"Who wouldn't? If the rumours about er beauty and er abilities between the sheets are true, then I would be stupid not to be interested. Plus, if the woman has eyes, she wouldn't look any further than me." Bronn said smugly, as he took another gulp of wine.

"What about you? Ya can't pretend ya ain't just the slightest bit interested." Bronn asked, looking over at Tyrion who had just become quiet.

"I doubt that the lady Baratheon would be interested in the likes of me, she sounds like the type that would be more interested in Jaime." Tyrion said sadly, dipping his finger into the dark red liquid in his glass.

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