Tourney of champions - Part 2 - Sandor x Bronn x Reader

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I make no apologises for doing a second part to this imagine, because I love Bronn and Sandor 😁

A cacophonous round of applause went up around the arena as Bronn and Sandor stepped foot onto the sand strewn floor.

Today was the last day of the tourney of champions, and only three mighty warriors remained. The crowd that had filled the seats were all waiting to see which of the three would be victorious, and Bronn and Sandor were sure that heavy bets had been placed on the outcome of the fight, and even more sure that most of the money was probably not on them.

The night before had proved to be an eye opener for both men, the two enjoying the skilled favours of the princess (Y/n), or the Scorpion as she was known to the crowd, the pair only leaving her bed when they had had to go to their own rooms to prepare for the days match.

Before their time with the exquisite warrior, both men had felt that it would be they that claimed King Roberts prize. Both of them were highly skilled with the sword, both were feared in their own way, and both were exceptionally confident about their own talents when it came to a fight; but there was something unnerving about the cool calmness of the Scorpion, something about her speed, about her agility and dexterity that had them both wondering whether beating the woman was actually possible.

As the two men took in the ovation of the crowd, a sudden hush descended as all eyes fell on the final warrior in the contest, her altered appearance causing a stir in the crowd, before a thunderous roar erupted causing both Bronn and Sandor to turn to see their opponent.

There she stood in all her glory, her usual full red leather armour replaced by the barest, blackest armour, that covered little more than the most vulnerable parts of her body. Bronn and Sandor stared at one another, then at their opponent as she walked past them, a small smile on her face as she moved to stand before the King, Robert finding himself incapable of doing little more than stare wantonly at the scantily clad Scorpion.

As she came to a stop at the centre of the arena, bowing respectfully as she stood before where Robert, Tywin, and Cersei sat, a chant of "SCORPION! SCORPION! SCORPION!" erupted from the masses, the cheer continuing as she dropped to a knee and prayed to her gods, another roar erupting as she rose to her feet and saluted the crowd.

As much as both men had seen of the princess the night before, there was something about her current appearance that at once was arousing, but then again unnerving, the two men getting the feeling that she had every intention of not even coming out of this with a scratch to her flawless skin.

Neither Bronn nor Sandor heard as Robert spoke, welcoming the audience to the last day of the tourney, announcing that whoever won would be his champion, and hailed as the finest warrior in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Neither of them heard the crowd as they erupted in a cheer, both of them more concerned with the figure of the Scorpion, and her weapon that was strapped to her back, a sticky green substance dripping from the razor sharp blades.

Suddenly both men were snapped from their thoughts as a blur sped past the two, (Y/n) knocking Bronn to the floor, the sellsword losing his grip on his sword which flew up and was caught mid air by the Scorpion, the crowd applauding wildly as she somersaulted over the two men, landing gracefully on her feet in front of Sandor, smiling as Bronn rose from the floor and brushed himself off.

"As much as I enjoyed our time together, I am afraid that I have no intention of letting either of you win." The princess told the pair, as she slapped the flat of Bronn's sword into her palm, chuckling softly as she threw the blade back him.

"Now that I have your attentions, maybe we can make this a good fight." (Y/n) told the pair, both men waiting for the other the make the first move.

Within the blink of an eye, (Y/n) had drawn her weapon, Bronn and Sandor ducking as best as they as the chain swung around her head and body, the blades so sharp that both could swear that they could feel them cut the whiskers from their chins as they flew dangerously close to the skin.

Now even Robert was on his feet trying to get a better view, as the Scorpion ran up to the wall surrounding the arena, leaping up onto it, as she used it to help her springboard over Bronn as he came running towards her, the crowd flooding to the edge to see what would happen next.

Sandor moved up behind (Y/n) grabbing at her as Bronn swung his sword, the female warrior being enveloped in the Hound's tight embrace.

"Sorry lass, but only one of us can be champion." Sandor growled in her ears, as she kicked out at Bronn, knocking the air from his lungs as she caught him in the stomach.

Quickly Sandor took her own blade, making a small cut on the Scorpions arm and watching as the poison and her blood mingled. Letting her go, Sandor watched (Y/n) drop to the floor, waiting for her own toxin to defeat her, finding himself falling to her side as she began to cough and splutter, the scared man not sure what venom she had used, or that it would affect her so badly.

"Sandor." (Y/n) said quietly, drawing the now concerned man closer as her eyes closed.

"I never told you last night, but I am immune to all scorpion venom." (Y/n) chuckled, her eyes flying open, as Sandor felt the touch of cold steel slice through his flesh.

Sandor fell backwards, his head spinning as he saw (Y/n) spring to her feet.

"I am sorry my brave Hound; but don't worry, this will only make you sleep for a little while." (Y/n) told him, kissing him gently on the forehead before he fell unconscious, the Scorpion now turning her attentions to the last man standing, as the crowd stared in disbelief.

"It would appear that it is just you and I, Bronn." The princess hummed seductively as the two stood before one another, Bronn's eyes wandering her body as she spun one of her blades through her fingers.

"Aye, looks that way luv, but I promise I won't hurt ya. I'm just hopin that you have some more traditions that we can honour ya with tonight, after I win of course." Bronn chuckled, looking down at an unconscious Sandor.

"But if he doesn't wake up in time, I'm sure I can keep you happy." Bronn purred not realising that he had gotten far too close until he felt the blade on his throat, his eyes growing wide as he realised his mistake, stumbling as he felt a small nick on his flesh and his head start to spin.

"Don't worry Bronn, you will both be awake, and I can think of many more traditions that you can help me honour." (Y/n) told the sellsword, as she lowered him gently to the floor, his body slumped over Sandor's.

As a roar went around the arena, (Y/n) raising her hand in salute to the adulation of the throng. She knew that it would only be right if she helped the two men get over the fact that they had lost; but as Sandor said, their could be only one winner, and the only winner in the arena today was the Scorpion.

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