{0} Prologue

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AN: I am no longer active on this account. It's been a funky time. Enjoy the story!

A young woman walked down a dimly lit street. The moon shone in stark contrast against the dark night sky. She was listening to music, completely oblivious to the figure following her, not 20 feet behind. The figure kept to the shadows, and crept closer.
It surprised the woman by sliping a gag across her face, making her unable to scream. No one would have heard her if she did though. She struggled as it dragged her into a dark alley way.

"Hm, I wonder, do you work out? You've got nice muscles, probably nice and lean. You'll do great..."
Said the voice of a young man, muttering to himself. The street light lit up his grinning face. He took the gag off of her.
"Creep! Get away from me!" She shrieked. "I have pepper spray- stay back!"

"Sshhhh... No need to scream poppet..." He said.

"W-what do you want? Don't- don't come any closer! She yelled.

"I'm not going to- well, I think I know what you're imagining.. I would never stoop down so very low, oh my goodness, no, I would never!" He assured her with an offended tone. "See, the reason I stopped you, I just ran out of ingredients. I just needed come to collect some more."

"I h-have money! Here, go buy them!" She tried to give him her purse. He just smiled kindly and laughed.

"Not that kind deary, see, I can't really buy them. Well, I could, but it would be a heck of a hassle to acquire them!" He laughed.
And with that, he took out a plain old kitchen knife. The young woman's screams echoed off the alley's narrow walls. But alas, twas just another night for the young man.

"I am kind of sorry dear, but it needed to be done, for more reasons than one." He told her dying body. "Ha, a rhyme! Goodness, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it." He chuckled. That was the last thing the young woman heard.

Love Is Strange 2p England x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now