Chapter Three: Dangerous Woman 

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Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath, like that
You know how I'm feeling inside -Ariana Grande

Time has been moving fast since she has moved back. It felt like she went to bed in August and woke up the end of September. Sage love that she made the move back. Work was amazing, the salon is always full of gossip, and the Nightclub  was always busy waiting tables but relaxing. Feeling much safer since she was closer to Samcro, and many miles... From him. After her welcome home dinner party, Opie and Sage became closer over time. Sage was cleaning her workstation while she waited on her next appointment, when two very familiar girls walked in, checked in at the front desk and sat down at her work station. The Cara Cara girls Lyla and Ima. Sage went straight to work.

" Hey do I know you? Oh right you're the Samcro runaway!" Lyla giggled and smirked

" My apologies , but going to College doesn't really make me a runaway" Sage replied as nicely as she could and tried to bite her tongue, working as fast as she could.

" Opie told me a little about you, Just for the record ...he is mine! Lyla gave Sage a dirty look

"Bullshit your divorce is final next week! "Ima butted in

"Harry and I have just been friends for many years that's all". Sage said through her teeth as her boss Tosha stepped in

"Ladies if you can't be civil and treat my employees with respect, you can find somewhere else to get your weekly nails and waxing done for that 'job of yours'. " Tosha the owner snapped.

For the remainder of the visit Lyla and Ima didn't say a word.
It didn't take long for the porn whore  gossip to start once they left

" Thanks Tosha, you have no idea how much I wanted to say something nasty, But I love it here and didn't want to risk my job" Sage frowned.

"I know baby, those girls get under my skin too, even though they bring in some good business. So... Samcro? Those  bad news bikers? Girl what's your business with them?" Tosha asked while  teasing a clients hair.

"Samcro  isn't as bad as people say really, John Teller was my uncle that passed, Jackson Teller is my cousin, he is Vice President of the crew, they're just a motorcycle club that does charity runs and loves motorcycles . I don't understand why people think they are so awful. I've known them my whole life. Don't believe rumors" she explained to the workers and clients in the Salon . Deep down she knew they got into the legal things they did their time, but of course she wasn't going to rat on her family .
During Her lunch, she decided to text Opie

"Your  girl came into the salon being a bitch, I need to ask, does she have any pussy lips left from all that waxing?"
* Sage*

"One more week she won't be my girl anymore, ignore her! Do you work limits tonight? " *Opie*

"Yep hopefully it lightens my mood. Plus it's Friday. I'm stopping by the garage after I'm done here. Gemma wants me to drop off some food for her. Do you need anything?" * Sage*

"Nah, I'm good, see you then " * Opie*

               -  Teller Morrow Garage-

Sage brought Gemma her food and basically got tackled with hugs from the boys making her way back to her truck.

"Tell me about limits, should I be worried about my little cousin?" Jax  asked as he wiped grease off his hands.

"No way, nothing to worry about, limits... well has limits, there are rules posted everywhere, it's not a strip club, light exotic dancing yes, but we need to be completely covered. No thongs, not even pasties. Security is everywhere, you whine, you get too drunk, cause a scene, you're gone for the night... my boss Caleb doesn't play games" Sage  grinned  as she stuffed her hands in her back pockets

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