Chapter 11: Like You Never Had It

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You been wondering where I've been your whole life

Need somebody that'll fit just right

Treat your body, blow your mind

I'll love you like you've never had it

I'll get you makin' this a habit

I'll have you calling your friends

Saying you ain't ever been

Skin on skin with a man like this-Florida

Georgia Line

        💋Some mature content💋

One month later Sage and Opie were still going strong. The towns gossip about them died down. Thankfully. Occasionally the Salon girls would try to dig for dirty details . Wanting to hear kinky romance stories , Sage kept things casual. She didn't need the town knowing her personal life. After a few morning clients she texted Ope.

" Caleb called , said he's closing limits for the night, wants to do some light remodeling . Any special requests for dinner?" *Sage*

" Hmm .... Give me some time to think about it" * Opie*

One hour later she heard the sound of motorcycles pulling into the parking lot. As she finnished another client. Walking outside, seeing Opie with a small poster that said "DINNER?" With a single red rose

" Figured since the kids are staying at a friends house, and you're off tonight, it would be a perfect time to ask you out on an official date. The steakhouse tonight 7pm sound good?" Opie smiled

Sage gave him a kiss and took the rose. " Yes of course! Sounds great , thank you ... where you guys headed too?" She asked looking at the whole crew.

Opie looked around to make sure no outsiders overheard. " Gun run, hopefully not many more of these. Jax wants to shut this shit down , the gun running , it all allows us to sleep at night , no targets on our back and no ATF up our ass. I won't be gone long . Tara said she can pick up the kids from school and take them over their friends place"

" Everything sounds good , stay whole , be careful" Sage stood on her tippy toes to kiss him .

" Always careful" Opie told her as he put his helmet on.

Sage walked towards Jax which looked deep in thought giving him a hug " what's bothering you ?"

" This gun mess, I want no more part of it, fixing Clay's mess , he no longer wants much to do with the club anymore since we casted the vote. Wendy is out of rehab, wants to be more involved in Abel's life, not sure how I feel about it. Tara's pissed off , that and we both found out Tara's pregnant, another Teller on the way. My mind is scrambled" Jax took a deep breath and started up his bike.

" I don't blame Tara for being upset , she raised him . Baby Teller number two , I'm so excited " Sage beamed

" I told you before my mother so don't spill it! I'll be on her shit list for weeks! Anyways we gotta hit the road." Jax nodded to the crew

" Not saying a word ! Take care of each other ! When you guys go ghost I worry" Sage kissed Jax in the cheek and the guys drove off

Finishing up her last client of the day, her mind became lost in thought. Her and Opie have been a couple for about a month, but haven't been intimate yet. She wasn't ready just to quickly jump in the sack. After all she's only been with Cooper. Her mind was made up, tonight is going to be more than just dinner. She clocked out of work and treated herself to a spa - shopping day since she had a few hours to spare.

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