Chapter 10: Good Girl, Bad Boy

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Tryin' to be a good girl, but fallin' for a bad boy.....

Well she's sundress cotton, he's grease on a Carhartt shirt

She's a candle in the wind, he's a light it up and let it burn- Florida Georgia Line

Weeks after what had happened ,she had a few nightmares about that night but Opie was there to encourage her she was OK. Sage no longer lived in fear, no one ask questions, and she was happy. She was back to work comfortably without having to look over her shoulder . One day while working at limits it seemed as the entire town is always there. After placing several orders at the kitchen Sage came back to the Samcro table which was always closest to the stage and gave them other round of beer and soda for Kenny and Ellie. Caught off guard noticing Opie on stage with a microphone in his hand, Sage crossed her arms and mouth "what are you doing?" Opie cleared his throat

"I'm sorry for interrupting everyone's time, I already got the OK from Caleb to do this. So here goes... Most of you know our Samcro crew,some of you like us and some don't. I'm up here because there's this girl I've been in love with since I was a teenager, I still am, life got in the way for both of us and we never got our chance. She came back, at first I thought I was dreaming, I took it as a sign. She's an amazing person, what I'm trying to ask is .... Sage Teller would you make me a happy reaper Vice President and be my old lady? " Opie said staring down at Sage.

Sage smiled ear to ear, blushing as she climbed on stage, and said "yes" into the microphone, giving Opie a sweet kiss. The crowd cheered and whistled, and a shout from Piney "it's about damn time". The two stepped down from the stage, and Sage sat on his lap looking at Jax.

"You knew about this?" Sage asked with a grin

"Sweetheart! he's my best friend, I know everything! I'm glad you told him and the time is right for the both of you and he wanted EVERYBODY to know you were his" Jax grinned

Hearing the order bell go off, Sage jumped up. "Well boys I need to get back to it" giving Opie a kiss while he slipped his tongue in her mouth.

"Save that shit for later!" Bobby shouted

Over the next few days the news and gossip was all over town. Sage was known as a good girl with the bad boy. The innocent girl that grew up in this town that was now the old lady of a greasy biker mechanic. Most of the people in town excepted it, some gave dirty looks, but neither of them cared. They both loved each other for many years, it was their time to be happy together. Kenny and Ellie approved of Sage, they told her they missed having a female role model in their life.

The family of four sat in the living room having a movie night with a giant bucket of popcorn. The kids were laying on the floor with sleeping bags, while Sage and Opie crawled up on the couch, Sage started to trace over Donna's tattoo on his arm.

"Does that bother you?" He asked squinting his eyes at her

"No, you had a life with her, I just don't want to feel like I'm replacing her that's all" Sage looked over at the kids.

"I don't want you to think that, they love you, I love you. I even loved you before and during Donna. That sounds messed up I know, but I'm being honest. Donna knew about you, reason why she never talked to you. Guess she was unhappy with the thought of me being crazy about someone else before her" Harry shrugged shoveling popcorn in his mouth

"I honestly don't blame her. She was a really good fit for you." Sage frowned at the memory of her

"Yeah but when I got locked up she couldn't handle it anymore, she started hating the club. She didn't get it, she was always blindsided because I never told her everything! only 'need to know' things like you do." Opie said not taking his eyes off the movie

"Well I grew up under everyone's wing here, I kept my eyes open. Ope you can tell me everything or just need to know things .... I'm OK with either way.It's your choice, I'll keep an open mind I always have" she said with a smile and continued to watch the movie letting her head on his shoulder, holding hands. Thinking her life was halfway complete.

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