Chapter 13: Life Changes

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"You never know what's gonna happen

You make your plans and you hear god laughing
Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world," - Thomas Rhett

Sage immediately shot up from her night slumber and ran to the bathroom. This has been a habit for an entire week. Smiling to herself , she quickly made herself a doctors appointment. It's been three months since Opie and Sage exchanged their vows, and have been trying for a baby since then.

After dropping the kids off at school, she called her boss Tosha letting her know she will be late.

Deciding to swing by the garage to drop off Her husbands lunch .

He greeted her in the lot.

" hey babe thanks! your face looks flushed, you still sick?" Opie asked her kissing the top of her head

" yeah , I made an appointment, I'm headed there now....Ope this might be it" she gave him a weak smile

"Hope so! Do you need me to come with you? Opie looked at the cars in the lot that needed attention .

" No , I'll be fine , probably just filling out forms, you guys have a line of  cars to get to" Sage said as she kissed Opie and left for the doctors.

After filling out a stack of papers. The nurse called her in, gave her a pregnancy test, jotting all of Sage's information down and instructed her to change into a gown. Hearing a knock , a middle aged man with dark hair and wide glasses walked in.

" Hello Mrs Winston, it's nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Nelson , your test results came back, you ARE indeed pregnant, I understand this is your first pregnancy, congratulations!  Now if you would lay back so we can do a cervix exam" Dr Nelson told her as he went straight to work.

Moments later, the doctor discarded his gloves, washing his hands and looks over her chart as he rolled the stool over next to her feeling her abdomen.

" You're positive this date was your last Menstrual cycle Mrs Winston ?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her

" Yes , my husband and I have been trying  Since October, I've always monitored  closely."

"Hmm... Your abdomen feels slightly larger than normal I'm a little concerned but I'd like to take an ultrasound and take a look. I'll allow you a few moments to get dressed and you can meet me in the room across the hall" Dr Nelson gave her a smile and exited the room.

Dr. Nelson instructed her to lay down on the exam table and asked to lift her shirt over her stomach as he applied a cold gel and moved a wand around , slightly nudging  her stomach around.After a few minutes of trying to read the doctors face and  hearing several  clicks on the machine. He looked at her smiling.

"Congratulations to you and your husband, you're expecting triplets!  too soon to tell the genders  just yet, looks to be you're  about six weeks and 6 days
" . Turning his attention back to the screen turning  on the volume. The loud rapid heartbeats filled the room. Sage allowed a few happy tears to fall as she seen three Tiny blobs On the screen.

"I'll print you out a couple photos, there's a good chance I'll need to put you on bed rest later in the pregnancy, but we need you back here every month" Dr. Nelson told her as he handed her the photos that labeled ' Baby A' , 'Baby B' , 'Baby C'. .

Sage tried her best to put on a poker face for the remainder of the day as she finished her day at the salon. She was now sitting in the parking lot at the garage on a picnic table. When Gemma and Tara came up to her.

"You're Okay sweetheart? " Gemma touched Sage's cheek

"Sage you look like you seen a ghost" Tara  said as she was bouncing Thomas on her hip and holding Abels  hand

"I'm fine ladies, I promise, just received some news today that I need to share. The boys in the clubhouse?" Sage smiled  getting up grabbing her bag as her aunt  Gemma put an arm around her.

Walking into the clubhouse the crew was surrounding the bar. Sage spoke up

"Tough  day boys?" Sage grinned   as Opie  shot back some whiskey and turn to look at her.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry I didn't call you or text you, my phone died and we were swamped  here today. Everything OK?" Opie gave her a worried look.

Sage took a deep breath and spoke up

" I have some news to share, Opie ...we have been trying for another Winston... We're pregnant! It's too soon to find out the gender's... yes I said genders as in more than one ......We have three... Triplets due in August!" Sage beamed

Opie looked at his wife's face "triplets? You sure?" He asked looking like he was going to pass out any second then he composed himself .

She nodded and dug  into her bag handing him the picture. Staring at it for a moment. Grabbing Sage's  face giving her a kiss as a tear escaped his eye and kissed her belly.

"Holy shit Ope  left it in for too  long" Jax cracked a joke hugging his best friend and cousin.

"I'm going to be a granddad of triplets oh boy !" Piney shot back some whiskey

After all the hugs from the club,  Gemma and Tara, everyone was shocked and her Aunt Gemma was already planning a baby shower

Sage smiled up at her husband  "let's go tell the kids"

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